New PM5K...


Jul 15, 2002
Kokomo, IN
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Has anybody heard the two new Powerman 5000 tracks? They are amazing, they are totally different from anything they've ever done, of course they have "their" sound, but it's more melodic and stream-lined now...As you may have already known, like two days before it's release, Powerman pulled their album, "Anyone for Doomsday?" from release and went back to the studio to work on new songs. It was a good choice because "Doomsday" sounded like a washed up "Tonight The Stars Revolt!" It looks like they've spent a lot of time on the new album and took a different route. In short, the new tunes will blow your mind! Their new album, "Transform" is due in May, check it out...It's gonna be a different PM5K...By The Way...If you listen to the tracks at, give them a few listens before you cry SELL OUT!