new podcast & dedicated forum

A new podcast has appeared at last on the official site.
It's Biff on the tour bus with plenty of news including the fact that there will be a dedcated forum starting on the official site very soon & everyone will need to re-register.
It's a really good podcast so get a look at it as quick as you can people.:rock:
Biff says: that documantery thing is about to has good and bad things in it..its not so much about Saxon, but more about Harvey Goldsmith himself.. Saxon stays true to metal that is what counts.. Thx managment for the improvement of the website!
don't you just get the impression that biff is a little pissed at the documentary.
It seems to me (reading between the lines) that the finished article was not what the lads had been promised or expected.
I think that they were told that they were taking part in a doc about the revival of SAXON & ended up being part of a doc promoting harvey bloody goldsmith.
it will be interesting to see the end result.
Very nice videos from Biff :cool: It sucks abit that we have to reregister for the new forum.. And no one takes my nick ok! I know Crusader747 would trade it for his life!
I'm gonny change my name, well keep the same name but get rid of the 2112 and replace it with 747, makes a bit more sense. Still ovbiously worship the mighty Rush and for anyone whose interested, Rush UK dates will be announced on the 27th of this month BUT I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THEY ARE PLAYING THE GLASGOW SECC ON 3RD OCTOBER - WOOOOOHOOOOOO BLOODY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!