New PowerGlove : Saturday Morning Apocalypse(Tony Kakko)


Feb 28, 2008
Columbus GA
The new Powerglove album came out on Sept.28 and it is fun. They do nothing but songs from cartoons from Batman the Animated Series,The Simpsons,to Pokemon,of course in a very heavy metal way. This is the Pokemon theme with Tony Kakko of Sonata Artica singing,I have to thank my pal Miguel for playing it on his radio show and letting me know this album was out it's work the $6.99 download on Amazon.

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For once I agree haha. This band does absolutely nothing for me. Not even Tony can save them.

:lol: To me it's just a gimmick to attract the teenage geeks who have a hard time having a normal social life. :lol: (BTW I'm not saying anyone here is one of those before people start thinking I'm an insensitive asshole.)

BTW, are you gonna be at Firewind?


I'm a card carrying dork. And yanno what, even Brendon Small said that metal-heads are nerds. Or at least, the good ones are. ;) They did a great job at the Hammerfall show. I love 'em.


I'm a card carrying dork. And yanno what, even Brendon Small said that metal-heads are nerds. Or at least, the good ones are. ;) They did a great job at the Hammerfall show. I love 'em.

I have nothing against their fans, nor do I think every one of their fans fits the description of my post. However, I will still say that in my opinion, their band is just a gimmick. I don't think they'd have achieved any success if it wasn't for Dragonforce's meteoric ascension in the US, and let's face it, Powerglove definitely took advantage of that.

If you like them are you're a fan, more the power to you. I'll pass. :)

And no, not all metalheads are nerds. ;)
I didn't say all! I said the best! ;D
But yeah, they're a gimmick band.. but at least they're fun.
Oh, and here's the article I was talking about:

"The ultimate trick that musicians played on the world is that they were cool," said Brendon Small, whose band Dethklok (from his Adult Swim cartoon "Metalocalypse") lent the song "Bloodlines" to "Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock."

"They're not cool. They're all nerds. They all love Monty Python, 'Star Wars' and Rush. Everybody from Cannibal Corpse to Metallica, they are all nerds. We are all nerds."

Search yourself, Luke. You know it to be true.
I've always believed that the metal sub-culture is full of nerds. As a self-proclaimed dork myself, I'm not ashamed to say that despite the "uncool" factor of metal, I love it anyway! I mean, look at the facts..

Most of us love mythology.
Most of us study classical music theory (if we're musicians) to get better.
We dress funny.
We usually don't listen to what's popular on the radio.
Our idols tend to be old men wearing leather with long hair. (Dio, anyone? ;) )

We're nerds. All of us. And if we're not, we're probably not that into metal. ("Oh no dude, I love Black Sabbath.. Paranoid is the best thing ever!")
We're nerds. All of us. And if we're not, we're probably not that into metal.

Ah, gimme a break. This conversation has been fun for sure, but once you go into generalizations like that, it shows nothing but a "i-think-i-know-it-all fan". *sigh*

Arguments aside, here's the funniest metal+nerd video on the internet:

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LOL "Playin' World of Warcraft.."

I love it. I remember when you HAD to be a nerd to play WoW.. now just about everyone plays!

And I like Power Glove, booB! It's cool that they're a gimmick band, they're just out to have fun like the rest of us. :)
Ah, gimme a break. This conversation has been fun for sure, but once you go into generalizations like that, it shows nothing but a "i-think-i-know-it-all fan". *sigh*

Arguments aside, here's the funniest metal+nerd video on the internet:

HAHAHAHA i wish there was a giant rebel flag behind him. Sounds like half the people in know from florida!

:mental image:
picture corpse grinder sitting on his tailgate 10 feet off the ground fishing with a camo hat on and a bud heavy in the other hand.


Does anyone here love the Power Glove?

Is it so bad?

Yes, Lucas from The Wizard I do love the Powerglove and it was bad, just ask James Rolfe the Angry Videogame Nerd. That was a great scene in that movie.
I have nothing against their fans, nor do I think every one of their fans fits the description of my post. However, I will still say that in my opinion, their band is just a gimmick. I don't think they'd have achieved any success if it wasn't for Dragonforce's meteoric ascension in the US, and let's face it, Powerglove definitely took advantage of that.

If you like them are you're a fan, more the power to you. I'll pass. :)

And no, not all metalheads are nerds. ;)

This. I mean I'll admit they're good at what they do, but I personally hated them. At the Sonata show I went to, I had to go in the back hallway at HOB because I felt so embarrassed even being there.