new preamp, which one?


Aug 4, 2006
hey guys, i've saved some money for a new preamp and since here in Brasil everything is soooo expensive, I must choose the best from these options:

presonus adl-600
presonus digimax 96k
presonus m80
focusrite ISA 220
avalon m-5

and these 3 are REALLY expensive, so i'll just buy if u convince me it worths a lot more than the others:

neve 1073
avalon ad2022
manley voxbox

i need it most for vocals and guitars, I use cubase sx3 and also gonna buy 2 presonus firepod (need 16 channels), what u think?
Why don't you just roll with the Firepods? They're more than sufficient, unless you're building a big commercial facility.
it's almost that case, i own a studio and miss a GOOD preamp in my rig when it comes about recording vocals
thanks Matt! so there's no big difference between Firepod's preamps and others Presonus preamps? even ADL600?

how about the avalon ad2022? i read so many good reviews, is it "better" than voxbox? i don't want it JUST for vocals, i'll use it for guitars, some kick/snare, a bass.. i need some really good and versatile preamp
The ADL Presonus is in a whole different class than the rest of the Presonus line of pres. I have extensive experience with Manley gear, and I don't like any of it (except the 16 ch. line mixer). I lived 5 miles from their factory, and I've used just about everything other than the mastering version of the Massive Passive - which is probably a good unit. The ad 2022 is too shiny and trebly for my taste, but the 737 is about as good as it gets for vocals. If you have the $$$, buy the 1073 and a 1176 for vocals and everything else. Nothing anywhere can beat that.
u got the point metalkingdom, its a whole lotta of money to be wasted in something that won't satisfy my expectations.. the neve 1073 is a dream for me (i wanna try recording some guitars like John Petrucci, he plugs his mic on the 1073, all flat, and gets that huge beautiful tone), and the 1176 is hard as hell to find here! as hard and expensive as the 1073.. i was looking at ebay and the price ranges from 1500 to 2000 used! oh my god, i can't even imagine how much this will cost here hehehe but i'll keep your suggestions in mind, i have a friend how will travel to the states in the next months, who knows..

so in your opinion, the manley is definitely a no no, so is the ad2002, right? the 737 is not that expensive here (compared to neve and universal audio), do you really think is a good choice? just for vocals?

and u said the ADL is in a different class, can u give a more deep opinion about it?

thanks a lot for helping!! :)
A couple of things to remember when buying a 1176 - the old ones (UREI) generally sound more "open" than the new ones. The new ones (UA) are still good, though. If you can find an old silver face 1176 - get it. The old skool black ones differ from unit to unit, and some of them actually sound kinda shitty. The silver ones are pretty consistent and sound great.

I've never used (or seen in person) the ADL Presonus pre. They have some monster endorsers for the ADL, so I imagine that some cats like it a lot. You can see the difference between that unit and the rest of the Presonus stuff in the specs and build quality. DeMaria has a pretty good rep for mic pres to start with, and all of the Presonus stuff is incredible for the $$$. I'm actually trying right now to decide whether to get the Digimax FS or the new Focusrite unit for my portable rig.

I don't use the 737 for anything other than vocals and occasionally acoustic guitar.
nice.. i'll try to get the urei 1176 (seen one on ebay), i'm about to travel myself to bring these gears, u can't imagine the difference, it's so overpriced, almost 4 times!!

you helped me a lot, now i can go by myself, thanks!
If the neve is a dream then save up and buy the damn thing. Trust me you will be way happier in the end.
Go with the NEVE 1073 if you can afford it. Other options; you might consider something in the API 500 series format. There are several companies making products for this series. I've found this to be the most cost effective way to upgrade my studio. Here's a few of them:

Purple Audio
Brent Averill
chadsxe, i know.. it's an expensive dream! but it's all set, i'm going to the states in the next month and get the damn thing! :)

beechstudio i'll read about these pres, thanks!
I have the AD2022 and a pair of 737s. I don't think the 2022 is shrill, but it is very clean. It doesn't have the "girth" of my Neves. The 737 is a different animal, some people love it, some don't. I, unlike a lot of people, like the compressor, but only for a couple of db of gain reduction. The EQ is great. The preamp is good.

As to the question about the presonus stuff, I've not used the ADL, so I can't really comment other than what I've read.

Here's the real answer though.... all of what you have listed is good. So pick one, learn how to use it, and make MUSIC. None of your choices are going to prevent you from making great sounding recordings, but they will all influence how you get there.
i've been reading some many good things about the ADL in the past few days.. but you've said it all, it's all about learning how to use it! i'm sure i'll do the right choice. your advices are really helping me getting there, keep 'em coming :) thanks!