New Prog Band Sorin's EP review


New Metal Member
Jan 3, 2014

At its best moments, Sorins New Heights is as poised as a dancer and as forceful as a car-crash. The EP exhibits the local bands chugging intensity, as well as their impressive technical skill, on the most impressively produced recording theyve laid down yet.Both within the song New Heights, and the EP of the same name, the band is strongest when they exhibit their range both instrumentally and vocallysomething that is immediately evident.They make their instrumental prowess known in the introduction to the EP, echoing the same kind of sensitivity and technical skill one would find from the band Animals as Leaders. Alex Light works his impressive vocal range on the stand out track, Milk, which then leads into the epic journey that is New Heights, a track as long as most EPs. It is an undeniably ambitious song, but the epic psychedelic journey through pain, loss, and rebirth is at moments drowned out by its own grandiosity. The 16-minute track creates its own context within the EP that is as disorienting as it is impressive. With multiple riffs and shifts in the narratives tone, the track could just as easily be considered multiple songs strung into one, la Between The Buried And Me. One wonders if it wouldve been better off broken into easily digestible chunks, but if you were to ask Sorin, that would be missing the point. Theyre a band with the confidence and ambition to settle for nothing other than a grand scale. - Courtesy of J.D. DiGiovanni of Synthesis Weekly
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