New Progressive Deathcore Record FFO The Contortionist/Tesseract


Dec 30, 2010
Hey guys,

My band The Room Colored Charlatan, just released our brand new record "Primitives" today through Subliminal Groove Records I did all the production work on it from my studio here in Indiana. While nothing is perfect I think the production came out pretty solid and I am happy with it, there is a large amount of layers on this record.

It is being compared to stuff like The Contortionist, Tesseract, Animals As Leaders although i prefer to just think we have our own sound

My personal favorite is track 7 The Atlas Artifact


Order Digitally here:
Just listened to the whole thing while working, this is really good stuff dude. I'm into it. Vocalist gets a bit boring at times and the programmed drums are convincing for the most part but have some spots that make it clear they're fake, but overall I really like it. The later tracks I found better but that could have been from the addition of clean vox and screams rather than the monotone growl.
Thanks Jeff, I put alot of work into writing and producing this record, however I do agree on those little issues and I chalk that up to my fault. I
Programmed the drums and I worked hard to make the drums
Sound very real but sometimes the playing isn't very real in some parts. And vocally
I pretty much instructed his vocal style the whole time
He has a wider range of skill than this record shows. But I felt this sound fit the music best. Thanks for the listen!
Yea cymbals are the only things that's superior and I will be using them very sparingly from now on, speaking of which could you recommend me a really good cymbal pack? Been using some sturgis stuff lately which is good just wondered what your thoughts are on a great pack?
I mean on cymbals I used superior drummer everything else is all
Blended stuff
Thanks, sure

Guitars are actually revalver 6505 model for heavy tones and Marshall blues maker for clean tones
Used some pod farm for cleans with effects though.
Used redwirez Mesa cab sim with 2 mics a sm57 and royer 121 to add mid range. Then obviously Eq and other productions tricks like analog distortion to make the guitars have a real sound.

Bass is actually pod farm

Nothing special used guitar wise just a schecter Damien elite 7 string with Emgs
The whole thing sounds pretty good. An ambitious record with the guitars and drums and I like the vocal style. I didn't even consider the drums to be programmed while sitting here programming while listening. Good clean production too!
Thanks yes this was an ambitious record and we covered alot of ground musically
I tried alot of new stuff as well
There is actually very little
Synth or keys its mostly guitar leads that's were layered heavily with delay and reverb and sometimes reversed to get the ambient tones
Sounds like Fallujah, but better! If I can pick one of album and bring it home between Fallujah and your work, I'll choose you.

Thank you sir! However I think we are both different bands with a different sound to offer while they take a little more from the deathmetal side we have few few blast beat type things anywhere in this record but thank you for the kind comparison and hope you are able to enjoy this record for a while!