New PunkRock Mix... Tear it apart guys!


New Metal Member
Dec 19, 2010
Alright so I've been working on this new Punk/Rock song and I'm starting to really like the mix. (Not the best guitar player in the world) but you get the point :p I plan on laying down some vocals maybe along with some light strings in the background of the chorus's of the song. Let me know what you think! And please don't be easy on me, I want to learn. Thanks!
lol yes i know i think i pritty much ripped off the whole drum track too :p it's not so much the song, I just want to practice my mixing skills thought i would get some feed back on here.
The bass sounds odd. It has a bit of a "cheap" sound if that makes any sense. It is really noticeable in the palm muted parts right before the chorus. Other than that everything else sounds good IMO.
snare sounds too loud and weird to me. kick seems far too clicky for this style. drums overall just seem to compressed. guitars arent too bad. westonreed is right about the bass tone though. overall not too bad
Bass sounds too bottom endy. Too much low end/low mid rumble. The twang on it aint too bad sounding

Drums sound a tad lifeless and programmed, no punch to them at all.

The mix in general sounds really weird. Could be the bass. I dunno
Alright here we go yes I know the bass isn't that great it's trillian so that's probably why it sounds cheap fake. And I could have spent more time on programming the drums. Thanks guys. To be honest this is my first real rock punk mix. Plan on doing way more though.