New Rammstein



What did everyone think of the new stein albumn???
personally i was a bit dissapointed, it was kinda like raise raise, accept not as good. It is certainly a far cry from their first two albumns, but, then again, so has everything since mutter, which isnt neccassarily a bad thing.

I just though Rosenrot lacked the intesity and real passion that their 4 others cds had.
new Rammstein sucks... the 'Puta' thing and the girlish duet are the two worst songs ever commited by this band and the overall mellow feel of the album makes it quite boring...

i'll give it 3/10 and I'm being nice:Shedevil:
I really enjoyed a number of these songs, but like that guy said above me, the Mexican song is the worst song ever done by Rammstein.

It's not as good as Reise, Reise and that album isn't as good as Mutter.

The songs I like are the first 3, Spring, Don't Die Before I Do, and the last two.
BulletForMyValentine_Ben25 said:
The New Album Sucks... I Still Think Mutter Is The Best.. Reise, Reise Second

Mutter aint bad, raise raise is good. If you havent already, lsiten to their first 2 albumns, they are 2 of the best cds i have ever heard:headbang:
I thought Reise, Reise was their worst release. Their was maybe 2 good songs on it and all the rest were mediocre shit. I think their new album is major improvement from their last. ...And what are you guys talking about! That mexican song kicks ass!
I agree with SWAT - that mexican (its actually spanish) is cool - but the albumn sucks ass
Because obviously people listen to Rammstein for the good German lyrics.

Listen, if Rammstein didn't sing in German, no one would listen to their music, because they suck.

Now, being from a German family, and being a German speaker, I know that Rammstein's lyrics are not only incredibly stupid, but incredibly simple, and pronounced very badly.

(continued on the next post)
Vital Remains said:
DU HAST rammstein

you see, their music inspires dumbassery like this, a failed attempt to utilze the German language by using Rammstein lyrics that, if spoken to a German, would warrant an eruption of laughter (out of the speaker's stupidity of course), although, until then makes the speaker seem cool by "knowing German"
Te Quiero Puta is probably the best song on the album next to Spring, you see, you can't take Rammstein seriously at all, if you can just get past the serious factor its hilarious, they're kinda like Scissorfight in that sense.
I'm from the Netherlands and I understand more than enough German to know how stupid the lyrics are. My point is that no one listens to Rammstein because they think the lyrics are good or 'deep'. And what were you going to argue, that the lyrics for your average underground black/death metal band aren't cheesy or downright awful?

Rammstein are a catchy band that are obviously not to be taken completely seriously and who put on an amazing live show. That is how I see them and the way I enjoy them. Not all music needs to be technically complex, pretentious or esoteric to enjoy it.

As for the new album, I haven't heard it yet. But I enjoyed Reise Reise.
Rammstein are a catchy band that are obviously not to be taken completely seriously and who put on an amazing live show. That is how I see them and the way I enjoy them. Not all music needs to be technically complex, pretentious or esoteric to enjoy it.

i of all people know that music doesnt have to be complex to be good, but you see, Rammstein sucks for pretty much the same reason that Linkin Park sucks: their music is bad.