New recording gear what do I need?

Mr. Brokenamp

Mar 3, 2006
Pennsylvania USA
I am thinking of getting rid of hard disk recorder and instead recording straight into my computer.
I have external preamps (API 500 style).
So my question is what should I get to record straight into my computer with the capability to record atleast 8 channels at once?
I don't care if it is new or used the piece of equipment I just want some thing that sounds good and is easy to work with.
Presonus FP10 is what alot her have and to my ears they sound good. Do a search there is alot of pages here dealing with interfaces.
how many pres do you have? how many tracks of audio do you need to record simultaneously? if you have lots of pres then get a high quality a/d/d/a converter. heres one that crane song makes.

the firepod (fp10) has 8 line inputs!!! and decent a/d/d/a converters

if you want an all in one unit ( pres and converters) then the fp 10 as mentioned above (i have one!!) or a rme fireface 800.

the ff 800 has 4 pres + 8 line ins that you could use with your pres

it also has adat and spdif expandability that allows 26 tracks to be recorded at once!!!

thats my suggestion. the ff800 has awesome a/d/d/a converters!! i want one of those bad boys!!!!

also does your standalone have firewire connectivity?
what DAW do you plan on using?
what kind of computer are you using? what connectivity does it offer?
if you have a lunchbox full of API 500's sitting around, i wouldn't fuck around with a firepod

get yourself any of a number of quality 8-channel converters, and you'll be set
Ok so that's what I need a converter. Presonus is not something I would bother with after looking at it I would want a higher quality unit.
So now:
What's good in converters? I am really an old head when it comes to recording:headbang:
it totally depends...mostly on what kind of budget you're looking at it

in the neighborhood of $1000, a lot of people seem to be really big on the RME stuff, particularly the fireface 800. some of the MOTU stuff in that range is supposed to be pretty good as well, but i've heard of a lot of people having driver issues with their stuff.

if you're looking to spend more than that, look towards apogee, lynx, prism, lucid, etc.