M-Audio ProFire 2626, can I use 26 channels of outboard??


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Hey guys,

I'm weighing my options for acquring a Pro Tools based setup. I'm not interested in the 2626 at all for it's preamps and converters. I simply want to use it as a "dongle" or go-between for external hardware (preamps/converters) and Pro Tools.

Is it possible to have 26 channels of external gear? Meaning, can I use strictly external converters like the Lynx Aurora and external preamps?

I see that it has 8 analog inputs. I probably wouldn't even use these.

Could I connect an external converter unit via SPDIF or lightpipe to utilize all 26 ins?

Sorry if my question is unclear; hopefully someone will understand what I mean.


looks to me like the optical compliment only supports 16 channels of ADAT (or 8, or 4 SMUX depending on sample rate). And then there is a 2 in 2 out SPdif port on the rear. Giving you a total of 18 digital ins and outs. Otherwise youre stuck with the stock converters.

works with protools too.

36 firewire i/o's
looks to me like the optical compliment only supports 16 channels of ADAT (or 8, or 4 SMUX depending on sample rate). And then there is a 2 in 2 out SPdif port on the rear. Giving you a total of 18 digital ins and outs. Otherwise youre stuck with the stock converters.

Hi, thanks for the reply. 18 is actually quite ok with me if this is the case. I don't see myself using more than 18 simultaneous inputs any time soon. I just need to know basically if using only external hardware is possible.

Thanks man.

no one has mentioned this, but the limit to I/O in Pro Tools Le or M-Powered is 18

unfortunately there is no interface that has Exactly the connections you need.

Ouch, I thought it was higher for some reason. I'm gonna check out the price range for track updates. I saw the thread saying that it was 2k or something ridiculous to upgrade to 148.

Damn you digidesign!

Pro Tools LE and M Powered are limited to 18 ins, which is a bastard as I can end up using 24 tracks just while recording some drumkits. 24 or 32 ins on LE/MP would be great but then I think alot less people would upgrade to HD rigs.

Digidesign really need to release something inbetween the HD and LE/MP lines imo.

I'd also watch out for that Profire lightbridge, I've heard really bad things about it, lots of crackles and audio dropouts. Shame as it seems like a really good unit in theory.
The profire 2626 is meant to be alot more trouble free and the 8 pre's are meant to be ok too.
It's really in Digidesign's best interest to keep a distance between the LE/MP and HD lines.

The complete production toolkit is ONLY for LE, M-Powered users can't get it or DV Toolkit. Music production toolkit 2 is for both.

The Profire 2626 is definitely priced right. The pres aren't as good as on the 003 series though.