New Reverb Plug-in! 2C Audio Breeze (Aether's little sister)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Thought you should know about this, as it is bound to start causing a stir in audio circles soon:

I bought Aether a year ago, but despite its sonic dominance, it lays dormant and unused simply because of the vast complexity of the plug-in being something way beyond what my workflow actually needs.

This Breeze plug-in seems like the perfect solution!
Thanks this is the sort of reverb I have been searching for a long time and could only find really expensive ones (too much for me). Strange I never heard of Aether.

I'm actually interested in this one.

If you did use Aether, can you tell us a bit about it ? Would it fit any particular use (drums/vocals/ambiance) ?
Actually, I'm also quite interested, have been using only freeware reverbs so far, and that one is quite cheap to boot.
If you are into designing soundscape reverbs for ambient or acoustic music of any kind, Aether is an absolute winner... it just sounds amazingly surreal and lush. If I wasn't mostly working on straight metal or rock music, I'd be tweaking up my own 7-second verb presets and going insane shooting up and spinning around my room listening to an oscillating saw wave through a trancegate and arpeggiator.
This is the first in this range of price who gives this "tssssssssssssssssss" to the reverberated high frequencies. A bit like in the beginning.
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Damnit. I shouldn't be spending any more money but this sounds so good and I always struggle with reverb... It's on sale if I read correctly.. but it didn't say how long? I'll try the demo tomorrow.
This is the first in this range of price who gives this "tssssssssssssssssss" to the reverberated high frequencies. A bit like in the beginning.

To my knowledge a big part of that is the oversampling. A lot of native reverbs have a nasty aliased sound up in the higher registers that doesn't feel natural, but rather just sounds like reverb.

I haven't tried this one yet, but I have high hopes. Might just outright buy it since its so cheap for former customers.
Sweet! I love Aether, it's a beast. But just like you said I hardly ever use it because it's so complex and just bogs my comp down to shit. I'll be keeping an eye on it.
How much is it for Aether customers ? Does it work the other way too ? (buying Breeze firts and then having a discount to Aether)

74.95$ for aether customers (you should have received an email).
99.95$ for the others.
Both until January 01 2011.
Then, the normal price will be 149.95$.

I don't know for the other way, but I don't think you'll be able to do that.

I use Aether since its release, and it's so fucking GREAT !!
Very deep and natural sounding.
But yeah, hard to tweak and a bit heavy on CPU.

I'll give Breeze a try, but it looks promising (and pretty cheap for now).
TRUIE quelle surprise une truie parmis nous :)

I am not an Aether customer, that's why I am asking. Seems interesting. Did not want to buy a good reverb for the moment but it it's getting more expensive in a few weeks and if people say it's killer, I may purchase it.
Salut l'ami, j'avais pas vu que tu étais Français ! :kickass:

The price with the discount is pretty killer (even more for 2cAudio customers) ; if Breeze sounds as good as Aether, it will be an amazing deal.
I'll try it this weekend !

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