New Review: Apathy - Cold Endless Winter (EP)


Apr 9, 2002

Apathy. Viktor Jonas. Remember the names.

The brainchild of an up-and-coming multi-instrumentalist known as Viktor Jonas, Apathy rose from the blackened remains of Sweden’s Nattstrype, a black metal band in which he played drums (and was then known as Vrede). They released three demos before deciding to disband.

The year was 2003.

The split allowed Jonas to focus on the guitar, an instrument he’d been playing for just a few weeks. He spent the next few years perfecting his newfound craft, writing and recording dozens of acoustic folk songs. He eventually decided it was time to share his music with the world. He recruited two friends to help with vocals and lyrics (Mattias Wetterhall), and bass (Sebastian Gustafsson), and this past March and April recorded his debut demo, Cold Endless Winter, a three song EP of melodic doom-death. Aside from the lyrics, the album’s music was written, produced, engineered, mixed and mastered by Jonas. A hefty task for any musician.

So what of the music?

To read the entire review CLICK HERE.