New Samael?


disco my arse!
May 24, 2001
Belgrade, Serbia
Hey ppl,

Does Anyone, Anywhere:), knows anything about the new Samael album?
Are they in studio or sth?

I know we(the fans) got used to wait for three years for each Samael album, but I think this time it will be little longer than that!:(

Need some answers, quick!:)

Thanx in advance.
I haven't heard anything about them for ages. Eternal was an awesome album though. Very curious about what they come up with next.
:flame:"Ein Folk! Ein Reich! Ein Fuhrer!":flame:
- Do I assume they're being faecetious??

Do you suppose the new stuff would be more like Passage or Eternal? I wouldn't assume they'd go back to their roots..
Extremely underrated band! I have been waiting to hear something new from them for ages.....I saw them open up for Dimmu Borgir in Chicago in '99 and really haven't heard anything since??? I sure hope they haven't broke up!
Yeah that's what I thought had happened.

A while ago I started looking around and I couldn't find any news about them, their website was down, and the links and info on Century media were outdated as hell.

So I figured they probably ceased to exist. The website works again though, but nothing is datestamped so it's hard to tell if anything happened lately.

I personally hope if they make a new album that it will be a continuation of Eternal. That album was just amazing and refreshing. I loved it. Their old stuff is good too, but Eternal was just special somehow.
I hope not!

I've heard they live in some small town in Switzerland (near the border w/ France) and that they have their daily jobs and noone there knows they are playing in a band....

Maybe their jobs are the reason they record an album once per three years...

Or at least that's sth I'd like to believe in...