new samples

Btw, Ken, Leprous blew me away. What an incredible album, man! Good job signing these guys! This new album is the proper way to write complicated music with multiple styles throughout. I can't wait for the next one!
Wow. Your info that came with the CD said that they were young, but jeez. Let 'em know that they've put out one of the best prog-metal albums in a long time... and this is coming from a prog-metal enthusiast and musician.
That is crazy how young they are...but man, that CD was a punch in the face, easily one of the top releases of the year for me. Glad to hear they are nice guys too, looking forward to new releases. Vangough is another band that absolutely blew me away. I got both of those CDs in the same order, almost too much to handle :rock:

But anyways, getting sidetracked here :)
Wow I guess I should order ""Leprous" with my next order (#146) Oh yes ''Vangough"" is a keeper....:kickass:
I'm gonna have to pick up this Vangough album you speak of... WITHOUT even listening to clips first. I'm convinced... plus, the site compares them to Pain of Salvation, which I need more of in my life as it is.