NEW Santa Fe Springs Swapmeet Show Start Time !


The Management
Mar 13, 2004
Saturday , June 25, 2011
1st Set 11:30 AM (No longer starting at Noon)
2nd Set 1:30 PM
3rd Set 3:30 PM

13963 Alondra Boulevard
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670-5814
(562) 921-9996
ONLY $1.00 Admission.

Set 1:

Aces High
Die With Your Boots On
Wasted Years
Infinite Dreams
Children of the Damned
The Wicker Man
Judas Be My Guide
Only the Good Die Young
Caught Somewhere in Time
Run to the Hills

Set 2:

Be Quick or Be Dead
The Prisoner
Sun and Steel
Sea of Madness
Alexander the Great
Murders in the Rue Morgue
The Clairvoyant
Deja Vu
Running Free
Phantom of the Opera

Set 3:

Wildest Dreams
22 Acacia Ave
The Trooper
The Evil That Men Do
Reach Out
Number of the Beast
Flash of the Blade
2 Minutes to Midnight
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Fear of the Dark
Hallowed Be Thy Name

Awesome as usual. :kickass:

Nita played the 1st & 3rd sets and Heather played the 2nd set.
Was it me or was yesterday just an insane day to begin with? From morning til night I felt I was in some David Lynch movie or something. If I was one to believe in astrology, well...who am I kidding. I am one to believe in astrology, the planets were definitely going bonkers yesterday.

Although it's always great to see the girls play, but out of all The Iron Maidens shows I have seen over the years, and I've seen a lot, I mean more than I can count. A lot of shows! That was hands down the most, uh,,, er... well, "off" one I've seen. Especially the 3rd set. It seemed that the band was all a bit out of sync with each other. Was there a monitor problem?

It happens. No biggie. Bottom line: I had a lot of fun, and it was still great. It was only $1 so how can I complain?

Believe it or not Wanda actually made a mistake. Yes, folks. She actually IS human. For a while I was wondering if she was just some bassist Super Hero or possibly an android, specifically programmed to put 5th dimensional bass in your face, but it occurred to me yesterday, in that slight glitch in Rime that she is indeed human.

What's up with the LA Freeways? It doesn't matter if it's the 5, 101 or 405 or 10 or any of them, they are jam packed bumper to bumper 24/7 these days. It took me forever to get there. All you aspiring actor losers, could you please just pack it up and go back to Iowa or whatever hillbilly village you came from, so you can stop clogging up our freeways driving to your auditions that you'll never get anyway. I need Linda to have her brother send me some bazooka or grenade type weapons from Afghanistan because it's time I just stared blowing up cars in front of me to clear the way. This is ridiculous.

Heather is great! She belongs up there! Heather has great stage presence and plays very well. The blonde girl, er, I wasn't loving it. Her tone seemed wrong for the songs and she played some wrong notes. I couldn't get passed the inappropriate tone. Seemed awkward up there to me. It seemed she was singing along but sometimes singing the wrong words.

By the way, where do you find all these girls that not only love Iron Maiden, but can play the songs, and play them well? I can't even find a girl that knows Iron Maiden. Maybe I should start dating chicks born before 1989 and wear dress sizes over size "1".

Courtney is really good. I mean really fucking good! Technical ability mixed with soul, she is really good. Great actually. That's a lot of soul there for someone that age. I hope one day she has a project that plays originals. I'd like to see her improvise on originals one day. Hearing her play an improvised blues solo and just go off in her own way, would be great. Everytime it was her time to solo, she nailed it!

I didn't dig Courtney's strip tease though. Made me feel uncomfortable, especially since there were little kids around. I felt weird. I can't understand why such a great musician would do that. I would think you'd want to be known for your axe playing. Who knows? Maybe you're just too old for me. hehe Would Jennifer Batten do that?

I mean, I assume if all the band members dressed like Kenny on South Park, or even like Taliban chicks where all we saw were the eyes, I would think the fanbase, and positive response from the audience would be the exact same. Probably be a bitch at airports though. Actually you guys should dress like the woman in the Time to Run video.

Linda is tight as fuck! What an amazing drummer! She always knows the exact amount of strength to use. Never too hard, never too light. I never see her play mistakes. Maybe the best one in the band. Didn't dig all the burping in the mic though. But hey, it's the swap meet.

Everytime I see Kirsten I am reminded how well she fits the bill for this band. She sings great. Also, she has the gift to gab and goes on and on in between songs and I never feel it's stupid. It's always funny and always appropriate. She's really fucking funny! Keep on talking. She should have "Hesher for Life" tattooed on her.

There was this fight during the 3rd set and it almost got out of hand. What low lifes! I think the process is: Leave trailer park- Drive Ford Fiesta to Swap Meet- Pay $1- Go inside Swap Meet- Shop for clothes for the 6-9 children at home- Drink lots of Budweiser- Other drunk man talks to your fat wife- Get in fight over fat wife- Other low lifes crowd around to see fight!

After the show I met Michelle Meldrum's parents. That was really nice. I kind of wish I was able to stay longer and talk with them a bit more. Hopefully I'll see them again.

Thanks for a great day! See ya next time!
WOW The Iron Maiden break the record of Iron Maiden in one night to played over 28 songs, but in 10 songs that were rested 2 times to play all songs this is a record

i know but I say The Iron Maiden rules in Iron Maiden World
First off, thanks for the feedback, Acujer. I appreciate your candor--especially when it's good about me. :lol: I'm glad you think I don't sound like a tool in between songs because sometimes in my head I'm thinking, "god, you sound like such a tool, shuddup already", as I blather on. But now you've given me the courage to really share my innermost thoughts on stage. For example, one time I had this ingrown hair and....:lol:

Re Wanda, that was our idea. We told her she was too frickin' perfect so she oughta put a small mistake in a song--just as master weavers used to do in their tapestries back in olden times--so people could relate to her more as a normal mortal. I'm glad to know it worked.

I am surprised by your reaction to Nita, though. Awkward is never how I would describe her--I think she has ultra cool stage presence and charisma and plays like a muthafucka!

Re Courtney's striptease, that was actually a sacrifice on her part because I wanted to be the one to do the striptease and just as I was about to strip down to my thong and pasties on stage she quickly intercepted and saved the audience (and small children) from a rather...disturbing...experience....??? (HMMM, yes, I'm STILL fuming...) :lol:

Kidding aside, it always feels amazing and truly awesome to be on stage with all of these insanely frickin' talented musicians! When I'm not singing during a song, I like to hang back a bit and enjoy their playing as much as the crowd. Lucky me! :)
First time I saw the Iron Maidens was on September 9, 2004 at Club Vodka in Hollywood.
I recall the place had strippers dancing on stripper poles all through the show, so it became an integral part of The Iron Maidens.
Every time I see The Maidens, I think it's their best show, and the one at Santa Fe Springs was their best.
I just wished that Nita, Heather, and Courtney played some songs together for a complete Maiden experience.
The Iron Maidens are better now than ever.
the strip tease is for fun and it is a heavy metal show.
Nita is a great player too... Every member of the band past or present and i mean ALL of Them ,including myself,hits wrong notes every show ..and she probably hits those a wrong notes here or there on guitar bc she is thrashing around and rocks out-entertaining the crowd just as hard as i do every show! Ive been in this band for awhile now and she in my opinion is the one of the best players ive had the pleasure of sharing the stage with , who puts her entire self into playing and performing ...she loves what she does. ive never played with another girl who has much fun doing this than myself. here's to many more shows with her.. cheers! Well i guess im missing out on the cheers since nita and linda are enjoying themselves to a box of burgundy wine right now without me at lindas crib.. ballz! POLOGIZE!:bah:

Kirsten is really funny. You should do standup before each show. Kind of like how Seinfeld used to do a comedy bit before the episode started.

Ms. Cox, it's unfortunate that you were not invited to join The Rossi Possie for some quality strip poker and Carlo Rossi box wine. They may have just opted out to contributing to delinquency of a minor.

I realize with a last name as yours, the urge to do a strip tease is unquenchable, but saying it's heavy metal, isn't neccesary a requirement since you are playing Iron Maiden which are a group of very intellectual professionals. There is a compliment in there when I say your too good at guitar to be doing that and your talent will give you all the attention and recognition you deserve. Just wasn't MY thing. But who am I to judge? I just state opinions and you know what they say about opinions. I just hope you don't get all Ziggy Stardust on us and go off on the wrong path. Your such a prodigy.

Nita's guitar tone didn't fit the music and sounded unpleasant to me. That's my main point about her.

Maybe entertainment is the main goal for the band and I'm paying attention to the intricacies too much. It's just hard for me not to.

I think the ratio of live Zeppelin greatness was 1:3. I believe it was every 3rd show they pulled off a stellar night, though some would say 1:5, and the others were horribly off. There were moments at the Grateful Dead where I was certain Jerry would fall over at any moment. I once saw Jon Anderson trip and fall during Close to the Edge. Bob Dylan went through a block of years of bad shows and I saw a Nine Inch Nails show where Trent was seriously ill. I don't see if it can happen to them why it can't happen to anyone. When I say the band was off and out of sync, mainly during the 3rd set, its not an insult and I say it with love.
Maybe I'm going deaf from all the concerts I go to. It was really just a few songs in the 3rd set that Nita's guitar tone was bugging me. Maybe I'm just upset that Nita didn't do a strip tease.
OMG, that baby was sooooooo cute! It was the second time in my entire life I have ever held a baby, if you can believe that!!! I got all goo-goo-ga-ga over this little one!!! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! :loco: :lol: