New SATO track. Full demo mix.

Just can't stop to listen this.
The chorus it's so catchy. Sounds like a movie soundtrack tune (yes, that's a compliment XD)
I would have loved to hear some guitar solo, but, maybe I'm too accustomed to listening shred stuffs haha!

Did you guys have myspace or something?
Thanks guys. No myspace yet. This is only the 4th song I have written for SATO so far. I am trying to get my friend Critter to eventually produce and mix it when all the tracks are done.

Glad you mentioned the movie soundtrack reference, cause I am going for that feel on most of the tracks.

There is one "grungy"-type guitar solo in one of the tracks, but I am not gonna put in a lot of leadwork. Or at least only when it really serves the song.
Awesome song, and I think the tones and mix fit the feel very well. I'll certainly be keeping my eyes open for anything else you release ;)
Like I've said before, I'm really digging what you write.

The only thought I have, which may be completely off due to me listening with headphones, but the snare sounded a bit weak. I'd change the snare or try to retain any mid-freq I could from the original sample. Again though, headphones.

Plus you've totally mastered the infamous "cinematic rock song" style.
Finally on my speaker system, and it sounds a bit better. Personally I like a fatter snare tone, but on these speakers it works A-OK. I'm always stuck in a headspace of metal so it takes me a few listens to get used to something else, but naturally this snare works.
Hm, I hear ya. The thing is: to 99,9% of the audience the snare drum does not exist. It is part of the beat. It's simply just there.

I always try to mix the important things into the front and for a track like this, the snare is just the metronome on the backbeat. Vocals, bass and almost everything else are more important.

I just compared it with a song on the new Nickelback and yes, the NB snare was fatter, but not cutting through as much. All the while the NB song was less dense overall. So I guess it's always a tradeoff and in a mix with lots of elements, I'd rather have the snare cut through a bit while being "thinner" and not have to sacrifice something else that I deem more important (like guitars). Maybe it's possible to do both, but if it is - I am simply not good enough to do it yet :)
Dude, this shits all over fucking Nickelback - very melancholy and catchy (as already said), and I love all the subtle synth stuff, great job! Great chorus melody/harmonies too, damn. The one thing I've never been too fond of (from a songwriting perspective) is the rhythmic cadence you have in the verses (line, pause, line, pause, etc.), it's a bit too, I dunno, classic rock or something to me, but that's purely preference, and the chorus rules (although I'd like a pad in there, or if there is one having it more prominent, just to mak it feel a bit more soaring/epic, but now I'm just nitpicking). Again, awesome job! And I see what spioraid is talking about with the snare, but I also agree that it TOTALLY doesn't matter in music like this; if anything, I prefer it, because it feels more like a "beat" and less like a "drummer"
Dude, this shits all over fucking Nickelback - very melancholy and catchy (as already said), and I love all the subtle synth stuff, great job! Great chorus melody/harmonies too, damn. The one thing I've never been too fond of (from a songwriting perspective) is the rhythmic cadence you have in the verses (line, pause, line, pause, etc.), it's a bit too, I dunno, classic rock or something to me, but that's purely preference, and the chorus rules (although I'd like a pad in there, or if there is one having it more prominent, just to mak it feel a bit more soaring/epic, but now I'm just nitpicking). Again, awesome job! And I see what spioraid is talking about with the snare, but I also agree that it TOTALLY doesn't matter in music like this; if anything, I prefer it, because it feels more like a "beat" and less like a "drummer"

Thanks for the compliments/feedback! :)

There's actually 2 pads in the chorus panned 30/30. They are quite low in the mix and set back with a reverb, but you would totally notice if I took them out :)

Regarding the beat vs. drummer train of thought: I tried to keep the drums simple and automated them so that

a) on fills, the drums become more prominent
b) in the chorus they get more roomsound and become a little louder

So I was trying a best of both worlds approach: keep the drums "hidden" when the focus is on something else and put the focus on the drums when needed for a push or fill.

I listened in my car today and was very unhappy with the guitar sound. Will see what I can do about that. Seems like it needs more bite.
Sorry to be redundant, but this track is effing brilliant. I really love all your SATO stuff, but this song takes the cake. You could get easily signed and make some serious money with this project. Major kudos!