New School Trash(KsEish)

Feb 7, 2011
Hey guys Ive been doing a lot of research on mixing and recording and this is as good as I've gotten anything to sound yet, This song may be used for a project of this type this summer though I'm not sure yet...I'm still pretty new to mixing and even more so to mastering so any critiques are appreciated.

Sorry for the sloppy playing this started out to be more of a compositional thing and turned into me just trying to see how good i could get it to sound with my equipment (which includes mixing on 2 inch computer speakers, but i have krk's on the way so hopefully in the next 2 weeks ill be posting alot more :lol:). Oh also theres half of the guitar solo missing because the 2nd guitarist for the project has yet to write his.

I think this could be really cool with some vox, if anyone wants to try it out be my guest.

heres the link:

edit:the tread was supposed to be New School Thrash my bad
I'm pretty new to this too mate..everything is really overpowered by the kick and snare, probs due to mixing on tiny speakers! Cool composition tho :)
I'm not hearing a left rhythm guitar, only a right and center lol. That might help. Otherwise the mix totally sounds like you mixed it on tiny speakers lol. Give it another go when you get your new speakers. Otherwise its a cool song!
hmm maybe i just need to bring that one up cuz its definitely there maybe i just made it too quiet, ya im gonna try again once i get the new speakers and hopefully i can make it sound alot better, thanks for the comments