I need help with adding more deepness to my mix

Feb 7, 2011
So i Just recorded a couple riffs and Im happy with the guitar tone (its lepou legion and Lecto) but it lacks balls and no matter how much i crank the bass on the amp its just not enough. It may have something to do with how bassy the intro is juxtaposed against the rest but im not sure. any ideas on what i can do to deepen it up a bit(both guitars and the mix in general)?

heres the link:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22119678/new idea(premaster).wav
Listening to the stuff on your soundclick, your guitars sound muddy and undergained. It could be your pickups or your strings or your playing or your cabinet impulse or a number of things. As for your link, fix it.
sorry about that im new to dropbox i fixed the link, well i have an agile interceptor pro with emg 707's so i dont think my guitar is the problem, i do need to replace the strings though maybe it has something to do with that. As Cab impulses go I use an orange cab impulse i found on some forum, and as tone goes I think it sounds good compared to alot of other impulses
ill try replacing the battery and see what that does i use the bridge pickup usually on heavy stuff, its less muddy its dual tracked but i rendered each guitar separately then copied each one twice into the final project for a bit more fullness.