New Short Film For The Bodomites! My Favourite People!

Oct 26, 2002
This is the new one for 2010 (two thousand ten or twenty ten...I can never tell!)
This is actually edited from leftover footage I had that didn't fit with past projects. I thought it would be fun to edit a new short for all of you good folk!

It's called "A Path Where No One Goes." Enjoy!

And if you don't like it, you can post your comments below. I do enjoy those as well... :lol:
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As a fellow filmmaker, I have to tell you that you have no real future in film, at least from a creative point of view from what I've seen. I'd recommend trying to get an in house job as an editor, PA, cameraman, anything really. Maybe make some commercials to supplement your income. Shit like:

"In the summer of 1976, a young man took his fate into his own hands and attempted to hire a bounty hunter to kill the most sinister and cunning killer in modern history... The Butcher."

That is the worst kind of uninteresting cliche you could ever think of committing your resources and manpower towards making. Short films are meant to showcase your creative and technical talents. This does neither. Not to mention all your films have the same look and setting... sorry if I'm being harsh I'm just trying to help man.

Not to mention that no one here likes these and this isn't even a film forum, so why post them?
And for fuck sakes man lrn2foley. Craiglist an audio engineer or something, stop using the audio straight from the camera, that white noise is killing me...

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what? you must be a awful mexican drug dealer, can't get money even to get a cameraman?
oh my lawd what the fuck joe :lol: the movie business is the hardest to fucking make money in, my dad's a producer and it's hard as shit just finding jobs. if he's just doing it for past time or school or whatever then who cares it's fun

Preaching to the choir, Zakko.

Where in my post did I say it wasn't? It's either you go from project to project, or you land a job with a company/get under contract.

I didn't say he would get those jobs, I merely I said those are the types of jobs he should be looking for, instead of trying to produce his own features, especially ones without any trace of talent or originality.

If it's for fun, well, I don't see how spending hours working on a project and having the end result be a piece of shit is "fun". It's depressing actually.

Would you spend hours write a song that was essentially and out of tune rip off a Trivium song? Would that be fun? If it was fun doing as a learning experience, maybe, but would you showcase it to others?
Hey, I appreciate ALL comments. Thanks for all of the criticism.

Yeah, I'm not in the business. I'm making these movies pretty much on my own and have no budget. I enjoy making them and I figured if no one had to pay for them, people would watch. :lol:

For all of you who watched, thank you!
As a fellow filmmaker, I have to tell you that you have no real future in film, at least from a creative point of view from what I've seen. I'd recommend trying to get an in house job as an editor, PA, cameraman, anything really. Maybe make some commercials to supplement your income. Shit like:

"In the summer of 1976, a young man took his fate into his own hands and attempted to hire a bounty hunter to kill the most sinister and cunning killer in modern history... The Butcher."

That is the worst kind of uninteresting cliche you could ever think of committing your resources and manpower towards making. Short films are meant to showcase your creative and technical talents. This does neither. Not to mention all your films have the same look and setting... sorry if I'm being harsh I'm just trying to help man.

Not to mention that no one here likes these and this isn't even a film forum, so why post them?


@Overlord Purple Rainbow
Like all your movies, imo this is crap. you still make these shitty movies which is ok (although I dont get why you ask for opinions which are mostly negative and still doesnt change a thing ) but like joe said: I dont get why you always post them :D
And also: I'm not trying to piss you off, I just think its neither a good movie nor a trash movie with the potential to become a classic or to appear intentionally cheap produced but well made.

well ok, this one does look intentionally bad made, the ''this is an old movie effect'' is a bit badly placed.
And the actors are ... :lol:
Well, I'll take 'cheaply produced yet well made.'

Mabye I did overdo the 'Scene Missing's and scratchy film look. I do enjoy using that feature, though. I can't lie. I'll have to have more self control.

Thank you for the advice.

I've stopped asking people what they think. I just post them for people who wish to watch, and if I get praise (not much) or criticism (plenty!) then I listen.