New Singer for Journey


At War With Stan
Jul 28, 2005

Steve Augeri has stepped down as lead vocalist for Journey on their current tourand has returned home. This follows recent reports of vocal problems. His last show for this tour was in Raleigh, NC on Tuesday night.
During recent shows he has struggled with his voice and as I understand, he was aware before the show that this would be his last performance of this tour.
Although plagued with problems from the outset of the show, Steve handled himself with dignity and grace and has to be applauded for his contribution to the band and the manner in which he has handled himself.
Jeff Scott Soto, Neal Schon's bandmate in Soul SirkUS has flown in to meet up with the rest of the band and will make his debut Friday night in Bristow, VA.

A statement has been prepared by Journey management:


"Jeff Scott Soto to assume JOURNEY lead singer duties starting on July 7th in Bristow, VA due to Steve Augeri throat infection.
Due to a chronic throat infection, Journey's lead singer, Steve Augeri, has been forced to leave the band's current nationwide tour with Def Leppard. Jeff Scott Soto, who has previously performed with Journey guitarist Neal Schon, will assume the band's lead singer duties starting with the July 7th show in Bristow, VA. Steve Augeri's condition will be closely monitored by his physician to determine when he may be able to rejoin the tour.
According to Journey, "Steve's been suffering with an acute throat condition since before we kicked off the tour with Def Leppard. We were hoping he'd be in well condition to handle the rigors of the road but unfortunately it appears to be a chronic condition requiring total voice rest. We all wish Steve a speedy recovery."
For the latest tour dates, please visit"


Steve Augeri sitting out this tour is another chapter in this band's long history.
Augeri was recruited into the Journey ranks in 1998 after Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain decided they wanted to move forward with the band without signature member Steve Perry. Augeri had to work with a fanbase that was polarized by the idea of a Perry-less Journey. There were those that remained loyal to Perry, but Steve worked hard at winning fans over and did so with his natural charm and likeability.

Steve Augeri's is today regarded as much for being the 'good guy' as he is for being the 'new singer' and he now has a passionate and loyal following of his own. He truly is a nice guy and someone that has made time for fans and worked hard at overcoming being known as 'the guy that replaced Steve Perry.'
Augeri's contribution to the band to date has forever been captured on the acclaimed, and quite superb, Arrival album and last year's more diverse Generations release.

Steve and the band as a whole has had a grueling tour schedule to adhere to over the last few years. Steve has been suffering vocal problems since the outset of this current tour and no one can blame him or the band for this decision. A solution was needed sooner rather than later, especially with so many dates still to come.
Steve has had a documented history of throat problems and one can only hope that on this occasion he overcomes these issues and returns to full strength.
In the near future fans will be able to appreciate Steve at his very best when Tall Stories unveil their album of lost tracks from the early 1990s.

Congratulations to Jeff Scott Soto for being chosen to fill the prestigious role as vocalist for one of this genre's most loved acts. Jeff is one of the hardest working singers on the planet. His work ethic and dedication to his live performance is unmatched. I should know I toured with Jeff for 2 weeks in 2004 and was simply amazed at what went into every show. I have seen Jeff live 11 times now and haven't seen a better performer on stage.
His energy is undying and his stage persona totally engaging. I know Journey fans will be saddened by Steve Augeri not completing this tour, but Jeff will continue the legacy with pride.

Most regular readers of this site will know of Jeff and his reputation. On a personal note, I'm thrilled for Jeff he is one of the good guys.
Those that have followed him for as long as he has been in the business know what a hard working, sincere and honest guy he is. He is one to call it like he sees it and has earnt the respect of his peers and his fans alike.
His interaction with fans on the message boards here is further proof of his efforts to be accessible to fans whenever possible.
Those fans will be proclaiming that it is about time he was recognized for the talent that he is and I have no doubt that fanbase is about to get a whole lot bigger.

Obviously some will know Jeff from his work with Neal Schon in Soul SirkUS, but there is no doubt Jeff will adapt to what is required to sing the Journey classics.
Fans will be seeing a different show come Friday night. Jeff is one of the very finest rock vocalists out there, but he also has a soulful side and is greatly influenced by soul and funk as well and is a huge fan of Prince, the Motown sound and also Sam Cooke a favourite of Steve Perry's.
Jeff has been a long time fan of Journey's, so much so that he has covered Edge Of The Blade and Send Her My Love on previous records. See below for some audio and video samples so you can get to know Jeff.

For those less familiar with the name Jeff Scott Soto, who is he and what's his background?
He made his debut in 1984, fronting guitar hero Yngwie J Malmsteen's band for 2 studio albums and a live release.
His main band through the years has been Talisman, a hard rock band featuring some of Sweden's finest musicians. Talisman has just finished recording their 8th studio album, due for release later this year.
Another band Eyes were signed by a major label in 1990 and their debut album created quite a buzz before disbanding prematurely.
Jeff also recorded 3 albums with German guitarist Axel Rudi Pell 3 albums that remain favourites among both Soto and Pell fans alike.

Jeff has recorded 3 solo albums the latest of which is Lost In The Translation, which features a guest appearance from Neal Schon on the track Believe In Me.
Lost In The Translation is a hard rock album through and through. His diverse abilities are showcased on his other 2 solo albums Prism is very much an AOR release, while his solo debut Love Parade is a mix of funk, soul, R&B and rock.

Jeff has appeared on several tribute albums including ones for Queen, Van Halen, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, The Sweet and Led Zeppelin.
Jeff has also had a long running association with the guys from Queen. Roger Taylor and Brian May have had Jeff up on stage with them on two different occasions and has also been the headline act at the UK Queen Convention twice, with his last appearance captured for a DVD release.
He also supplied some lead vocals for the movie RockStar. The Sammy Hagar written Stand Up being that movie's best known song. Of course this is a 25 year career summarized in just a couple of paragraphs. Jeff's website features an extensive bio and full discography for those curious to learn more.

The decision for Steve to return home was obviously one of the most difficult ever made by the band and management. Bringing in a replacement frontman at this juncture is a big move and I give huge credit to all involved for the decision they have made.
Jeff Scott Soto is a bold, but obvious choice. Jeff is one of the greatest frontmen I have ever seen. He will win over Journey fans and he will do a phenomenal job for this great rock band.

I am hoping this move by the band will now calm the message board wars that have been raging for the last month or so. There are no winners in fans fighting each other and while there will always be some that resent this or any band's decisions, I for one hope that the decision taken this week will be seen as a positive step in getting the band back on track for the future.

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My wife was at the Raleigh show and said that Steve's voice was definitely way off. The drummer even came off the kit to sing along with him on a couple of the ballads. Steve remarked something about "he (the drummer) helps me in sickness and in health"; an admission that he was not feeling well.

The wife wasn't too disappointed though, as she was there primarily for Def Leppard.
I'm not that into Journey, and I haven't been closely following this situation, but that official statement comes off more like Augeri is leaving permanently than just taking a break due to throat problems...
Wow, that's too bad. He was really awesome at Sweden Rock and totally won me over. I hope he makes a complete recovery. Best of luck to Jeff in the interim. He's always been one of my favorite vocalists.
edgeofthorns said:
I hate to hear this about Steve, because I like him. With that said, I'm stoked about hearing JSS fronting one of my all time favorite bands!
Agreed, Journey is one of my favorite rock bands the last 25+ years and JSS is one of my 3 favorite melodic singers, so it is a match made in heaven.
Sumeet said:
I'm not that into Journey, and I haven't been closely following this situation, but that official statement comes off more like Augeri is leaving permanently than just taking a break due to throat problems...
I read that statement a couple of times because at times it was worded like it was permanent and others times just for the rest of the tour.
Did any of you guys see the video clip that Blabbermouth posted of JSS singing while sitting down at the keys?

I thought he did a good job, he's been on of my favorite singers for a long time too.
Force10 said:
My wife was at the Raleigh show and said that Steve's voice was definitely way off. The drummer even came off the kit to sing along with him on a couple of the ballads. Steve remarked something about "he (the drummer) helps me in sickness and in health"; an admission that he was not feeling well.

The wife wasn't too disappointed though, as she was there primarily for Def Leppard.

I was also at the Raleigh show, and while Steve A wasn't very impressive, and nowhere near when I saw him with Journey a few years ago (for Arrival) and clearly had a cold or something nasty, I credit him for having the sense to pull back notes when he needed to pull back, such as cutting some high notes or having Deen sing Open Arms and Faithfully (probably the two songs of the set that depended most on vocals). Speaking of which, Deen sounded amazing, and I'm half surprised they didn't just have HIM step in as lead singer for the rest of the tour and get a new drummer instead (which would also be a tough replacement).

I have nothing against Jeff Scott Soto, but I think Augeri's clearly a better fit for Journey, so I'm hoping this is just a "'til the end of the tour" replacement, not a permanent change.

Even so, I enjoyed Journey a lot more than Def Leppard, even though I like both bands about the same.
I've seen Journey twice with Steve and was VERY impressed. I liked him in Tall Stories and was very pleased when he stepped in. That said, JSS is THE MAN!!!!! Tickets for Atlanta have been sold out for some time and I hadn't really cared, but I may have to find a way to get to this show now!!!
Heavenly Call said:
I've seen Journey twice with Steve and was VERY impressed. I liked him in Tall Stories and was very pleased when he stepped in. That said, JSS is THE MAN!!!!! Tickets for Atlanta have been sold out for some time and I hadn't really cared, but I may have to find a way to get to this show now!!!

Yeah, I've already checked for tickets at a few places myself! Nashville is the closest they're coming to me and that's 6 hours away. Ticket prices are un-godly too! :rolleyes:
VenomGA said:
Agreed, Journey is one of my favorite rock bands the last 25+ years and JSS is one of my 3 favorite melodic singers, so it is a match made in heaven.

After hearing JSS latest solo disc I can see why he's a perfect fit for Journey. I'm having a fit to see him with those guys now! :Smokin:
edgeofthorns said:
After hearing JSS latest solo disc I can see why he's a perfect fit for Journey. I'm having a fit to see him with those guys now! :Smokin:
My wife and I are also having a fit as well, but not willing to pay $245 per ticket that I have seen on some sites.
Hmm, interesting considering all the talk/rumors of them using some taped vocals at shows because of SA's voice being shot. The Journey camp had been very, very quiet about all the rumors floating around, and now this. But, I think this should be a permanebt move, as JSS is a far superior vocalist to SA, imo.
AMBR wrote
Wow, that's too bad. He was really awesome at Sweden Rock and totally won me over.

:lol: read this

Svante Pettersson posted a lengthy message about his experience with this in the newsgroup. Here are some excerpts: I am just back from Sweden Rock Festival, one of Europe's biggest hard rock festivals. At the festival, I was working for Swedish Radio as a producer for some of the live recordings done for the radio. Normally, I am a live sound engineer but once a year, I tag along with my old friends at Swedish Radio to have some fun on this great festival.

When I got into the truck, our engineers was making funny faces and saying things like, "poor guy!" Lead singer Steve Augeri could not sing at all! No, it's not the old rethoric of calling a singer with a bad day someone who "can't sing". Steve Augeri was constantly out of tune and when he tried to reach the high parts, his voice just died in a sad croak. But didn't it sound good in the PA out front? I went out to check again. Yes, the vocals sounded terrific. Was I going insane?

I went back into the bus and the engineers started to question my sanity too as nothing could be done out front to fix this disaster. The main project manager for our business at the festival showed up and was as surprised and puzzled as I was when he heard what was coming down that vocal line to the truck.

After a lot of running back and forth and scratching of heads, one of the recording engineers plugged in a pair of headphones into the CD recorder that was recording Elson's house mix. In that mix, the vocals were perfect. With one headphone on and the other listening to our feed in the bus it was obvious that something fishy was going on.

We looked at our surveillance camera on stage and noticed a guy sitting a bit out of place to the left of the drum tech. I went up on stage to have a look and there was a guy with two digital multitrack recorders, apparently sending a prerecorded, correct vocal to the house mix but not to our bus. There were also some prerecorded synth pads and backing vocals but we got those to the bus.