New Singer for Journey

I'm not a Journey fan, but I do like JSS. He sang one of the first metal albums I fell in love with - Rising Force. I have a couple of Takara cd's and the Prism cd, which is really good.
Taliwakker said:
AMBR wrote

:lol: read this

We looked at our surveillance camera on stage and noticed a guy sitting a bit out of place to the left of the drum tech. I went up on stage to have a look and there was a guy with two digital multitrack recorders, apparently sending a prerecorded, correct vocal to the house mix but not to our bus. There were also some prerecorded synth pads and backing vocals but we got those to the bus.

:lol: That explains a lot! Nice dub, sure fooled me. Of course, being the end of the night, a few beers probably aided the deception.
Yeah Augeri has been using tapes for about a year. You should go to this site and read about it. This is a blog that some guy started posting to bring attention to Augeri using tapes. Apparently it got Journey's attention because Augeri has been singing live at the US shows and is now leaving of course. The posts are most recent on top. He even has some mp3s posted somewhere where you can tell that he is using a tape from their most recent live album for the vocals!!!
Lip-synching is NOT cool at all with me. You'd think people would learn after the whole Milli Vanilli issue back in the day. Journey has done the right thing by bringing in JSS!
Ashlee simpsons and Britney Spears style vocals to me is not talent. Anyone could lipsync. It trips me out when people pay money to watch someone lipsync to their own crap... I agree that Journey made a good move with JSS. Especially on such short notice...
I checked out two of the alleged "lip-synching" tapes, and I don't hear anything that makes me think Augeri's faking it. Perhaps if there was some video footage to go along with the tapes, I could make a better judgment. I saw Journey twice with Augeri, and I thought they were fantastic, especially in the vocal department. I would be absolutely disappointed if these rumors were true. As for the replacement, I'm now very interested in seeing the band when they hit Chicago. I was going to pass on this tour, seeing as how I already saw them when they were promoting "Generations," I really don't care for Def Leppard anymore, and I really didn't want to pay the exorbitant ticket price, but getting to see them with Jeff Scott Soto makes for an opportunity that's hard to pass.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Jeff Scott Soto is one of the best singers out there. He's pretty much right behind Jorn. I've got 3 DVDs of him live and this dude has a set of pipes on him. PP should consider having him play sometime.
Tungarknivor said:
Jeff Scott Soto is one of the best singers out there. He's pretty much right behind Jorn. I've got 3 DVDs of him live and this dude has a set of pipes on him. PP should consider having him play sometime.
What 3 do you have??? I think my wife may only have 2??
Tungarknivor said:
Jeff Scott Soto is one of the best singers out there. He's pretty much right behind Jorn. I've got 3 DVDs of him live and this dude has a set of pipes on him. PP should consider having him play sometime.
Darn right!:rock: