New Slipknot ".5: The Gray Chapter" - Drum Sound

but I feel like this sound is what they were after and I can't say it doesn't work for their style and the music.
This is what I thought.
I actually liked the album though.

I think that there’s no reason that all genres of metal should utilize this polished and total balanced
guitar tone, which every metal album has these days.

These „perfect“ guitar tones leave only little room for singularity.
Drums sound like an e-kit with superior or something similar as simulation.Many recordings are done this way, but of course since you have various sponsors it is not "political correct" to mention that.
Performance seems to be unedited.I like the production, it fits with Slipknot.
Raw and natural does not = automatically good.

This album sounds fucking horrid, the mid voicing on the guitars is horrendous as is how everything else fits, no impact, no punch.

Slipknot - Slipknot is a 100% raw and natural album and that one sounds amazing.

I don't agree at all. I think the guitars could stick out a tiny but more, but I wouldn't call this bad sounding. It works for Slipknot. I'm more concerned with the songs not grabbing my attention like they have in the past.

Still giving it more listens to see how I feel.
My only problem with "raw and natural" sounding drums is how much less headroom everything else can take in order for them to feel huge. The bass on this album mainly just feels like it's not even there. I like the production but the low end doesn't feel nearly as consistent and huge as other metal productions.
The low end is actually the ONLY thing I'd fault on this mix. And, let's be honest, if they wanted raw and natural and a solid low end they should have just gotten Ross Robinson to produce for them again.
Sounds really small compared to iowa. Aside from the obvious lack of low end and insanely ticky drums the guitars are criminally undergained & thin, they sound like a single coil fender through a through a fucking plexi, which would be great if their music was all mid gain shred-fusion ahaha