New snare tuning => new samples

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Alright these will probly be the last for a while, I've pretty much stretched the limits of what I can do with this drum/head combo. Tried making the top and bot heads same tuning for a jam yesterday and it sounded good so here are samples.

Mono OH PG81 + SM57 on top.

I STRONGLY recommend you download the raw files and process them yourself. #1 This isn't Slate. #2 You should learn how to process your own shit, make it fit YOUR mix. #3 It'll sound more realistic if you do (compressor will act properly).
Take my processed files as examples of what to do. (accidentally turned these down 8db when bouncing so bump up the volume).

All cut up. The rimshots sound fucking awesome, hard ones are alright the softer ones are kinda meh. Need a 2nd 57 on the bottom for those.

still uploading if links dont work.
Just bought a 2nd overhead and put a bid in for a kick mic.

Believe it or not I think the snare is the worst sounding part of my kit (probably because of the damned garage acoustics). So hopefully good tom/kick/cymbal samples will be made in a couple of weeks or so.
How about the acoustics in the place where I record? Haha... I just screw that though, there's not much I can do about it. Don't know if you've heard it but my project from last summer (link in sig) was recorded in a concrete basement room :O The next project will be recorded in a more proper rehearsal room with more absorbing material but there's still some issues with the room which most of the pro guys here would puke at.
Seems like a damn good sounding garage though:)

Actually, no :/. The lows are non-existant, the mids are shitty and the highs are fucked because of the amount of reflections. Every time I take my kit to gigs I'm amazed at how good it sounds, how punchy the kick and toms are. The reason these sound alright are because its an awesome snare and because I've spent years trying to tune it right (and still snare drums I just fiddle til I get lucky, toms are easy, kicks are fairly hard too.).

I've given up on the idea of trying to isolate it, the ceiling it just far too low. I might try hanging some blankets around to try and improve it a bit though.