NEW SONG added to Testament Official MySpace

It's absolutely brilliant. Congratulations and thanks to the band.
I'm glad it's officially in the Internet now. I hope it's earlier appearance wasn't a leak and that the rest of the album will not be revealed before the release without the band's wish
Man, it's already been played over 18.000 times and it hasn't even been 24 hours since it was added to MySpace (+ much more people have heard it through the "unofficial"link)- Testament is getting huge again!
OMFG!Return of the GODS!

Can`t wait to hear more... but I`m patient...

Form me it is like Ritual and PWYP meets Gathering haha - perfect and clean vocals suits very very good!
I hope this will be the worst song in the album.. cos is fucking amazing! now picture the complete fucking album!

Thx for uploading this..!
That song is pretty fucking killer. It's so good to have new thrash metal that doesn't suck. Trivium's The Crusade, MegaDave's United Abominations, Iced Earth's Framing Armageddon, Slayer's Christ Illusions, now Testament's The Formation of Damnation? Sweet. Skolnick is badass and it's great to hear them with a drummer that can finally do his riffs justice. The drumming on the 80s stuff always seemed really stock and vanilla to me though I loved the old albums.

What's next, Metallica putting out a killer thrash album? I'm kiddin', we all know there isn't any of chance of that happening:p

Plus we have new Anthrax coming this year too and they always come up with great shit. WCFYA blew my doors off though they've strayed a bit from their thrash roots. Too bad about John Bush though... guy was killer in Anthrax.
Hey guys, new here. I'm so excited about this new album! I almost feel like the days of waiting for LOW to come out again. Except i had no internet back then. This new song sounds so awesome, its more than i ever expected from Testament at this point in their careers. Like i said it feels like LOW all over again.
This new song took me back to the killer days of Testament. Souls of Black, Practice What You Preach and The Ritual is the style i think of when listening and i am sooooo stoked for this album. I would almost buy 2 just for the shit of it as long as i know its helping the band! \m/ \m/