New Song - Almost done!


Jan 31, 2006
This is the 91.3% finished track that I posted in another thread a couple of days ago. I've done quite a bit to the song since the last version and would appreciate some feedback. I'm really excited about the mix on this one as I started from the ground up and ditched all my templates. It's kind of a departure from a lot of my other stuff musically speaking, but I'm liking it a lot, especially the mellow bridge in the middle. I hope you guys like it. I mentioned getting screenshots of the Revalver and PodFarm settings and I promise to get them to anyone who wants them. Peace!

Another mix using demo version of IK 1176 plug. See post below for details.

1176 Compressor mix
Here's the amp settings. The Revalver impulse is from Recabinet. I also automate a Mokafix Cream Tube TS9 sim on a couple of guitar parts for more pick attack and clarity on the Revalver tracks, but its off most of the time. The bass track is a stock POD X3 preset called Pawn Shop Punk.

(Change tonestack to Flathill Red)


All guitars are sent to a group where they are EQ'd with HP/LP at 75 and 12000, 18db/octave slope. 1 DB boosts at 9.5k, 5k and 1147k

Here's another mix using a demo version of IK's 1176 compressor. I used the compressor on the bass group, guitar group, parallel drum compression group and the snare track itself. The original just used Cubase 6's stock compressor for everything mentioned above, with the exception of the guitar group. I like the character the IK plugin adds quite a bit. I may consider picking this one up when the demo expires.

Soundcloud seems to degrade the audio quality a bit so here's an dropbox link.

1176 compressor mix
Holy shit dude, this is incredible, so open and airy, and yet dry and upfront, one of the coolest mixes I think I've ever heard, truthfully :headbang: And of course, the music is stellar, definitely big-time Townsend vibes :headbang: