Almost done mixing The Jasser Arafats ;) Input is very welcome


Nov 19, 2005
Hi there,
I've been pretty busy with other bands but Yesterday I managed to remix a song with the ADAMs. I'm pretty excited to be working on this project because the songs kick ass :kickass::kickass: I think the mix is quite decent, too, but there may well be things to work on, as I've had the A7s for less than a month.

Anyway, here's the mix:

And just for comparison, here's the last mix before I switched monitors:
Old Mix

Cheers! :rock:

Edit: Updated version
:kickass: Sounds really cool! I would maybe like a little more mid edge on the guitars. They sound awesome but sound a bit fizzy.

Overall it sounds awesome!

EDIT: listened to the old clip and the new one is so much cleaner sounding!
Wow, thanks. I don't want to sound like a fanboy but when I signed up to this forum your clips were probably the ones that most impressed me and listening to your recent stuff I'm still quite impressed, so that really means a lot to me :kickass:

I'll try to get rid of the fizz but I also don't want the guitars to sound dull. The mids can be tricky because as well as edge you can get a honky or nasal sound.
Wow, thanks. I don't want to sound like a fanboy but when I signed up to this forum your clips were probably the ones that most impressed me and listening to your recent stuff I'm still quite impressed, so that really means a lot to me :kickass:

I'll try to get rid of the fizz but I also don't want the guitars to sound dull. The mids can be tricky because as well as edge you can get a honky or nasal sound.

Hey man,

Listening on cans again since my monitors are out at the service agents.

The initial thing that strikes me is that the guitars sound quite subdued and hollow. The low-end feels like it needs a bit more definition, both in the kick and bass guitar itself. The drums don't seem to punch very much as it's a very guitar dominated mix. I'd focus on sorting those problems out and then the mix should basically mix itself from there.

Good luck dude.
This stuff is 90% recording technique, Ive mixed loads of stuff thats well recorded and sounds great, and then ive mixed my own recordings and they sound shit.

The mix is fine, but if you want more from it like mentioned about you need more to work from, you cannot create something from nothing.

One word of warning, low end definition can come out from messing with the harmonics. up from the fundamental. ie a bass does not become more defined by boosting at 80, it can become more defined in certain circumstances for example by finding the stuff around 1k (that's a very rough recommendation) and tweaking it subtly. Thats why somethings a harmonic exciting device comes in handy, if the guitars are too lacking, you might be able to coax out with something and then EQ a bit to poke it through if it needs it.

Low end energy is a nasty thing to mess with and does little to define, it is however very important to never boost the hell out the top end and forget whats supporting it up in the first place, otherwise the house comes tumbling down. Thats what they mean by balancing.
Hey man,

Listening on cans again since my monitors are out at the service agents.

The initial thing that strikes me is that the guitars sound quite subdued and hollow. The low-end feels like it needs a bit more definition, both in the kick and bass guitar itself. The drums don't seem to punch very much as it's a very guitar dominated mix. I'd focus on sorting those problems out and then the mix should basically mix itself from there.

Good luck dude.

Did you listen to the latest version? Also could you compare it to the previous one (but not the oldest one).

What would you suggest for the low-end issue?

Mixing while having a fever sucks :ill: Thanks for helping me out!

Edit: I think the guitars are a lot better now:
New mix
Great :rock:

Here's the full song from the initial thread with these settings
Full Song

All comments are welcome since this is probably going to be the last version before the final. Cheers!