New song "Arrow + Knee = Adventure Over" (Strats, Legion, SD2, Haunted Shores-esque)

if you could post the DI files of this I'd die a happy man. This is just too cool.
Came for the song title, stayed for the great song. Nice job, man!

Ha, enticed you with the popular culture reference and hooked you with the tune. Works 60% of the time, all the time :D

Seriously though, appreciate it and glad you like the song dude!

if you could post the DI files of this I'd die a happy man. This is just too cool.

Yeah...I just looked at the DI folder for that track and it's a mess. I have no idea what anything is so I think you may be out of luck there my friend. I think I'll have to organise my DI's a lot better from now on...

Thanks a lot though, it's great that you like the tune!
Gosh I must be so tired after my long days to miss such an obvious irony aha!

Guitars are scooped / aggressive, too much for my personnal taste as well. With a more natural tone, it would be more pleasant and would open up the mix imo. But then again, i'm really not into this new scene.

The snare room/ambiance is a bit too low, what about hipassing the room/verb to avoir hearing a big "ouuuuuum" in the mid/low mid area each time it hits ? There's a ringing frequency as well that's kinda prominent, I'm not sure you were searching for a ringy snare tone in here. When guitars/bass do a silence, the only thing you can hear is the ringy frequency, which is unfortunate imo.

Otherwise I like that it's kinda balanced overall.
Gosh I must be so tired after my long days to miss such an obvious irony aha!

Guitars are scooped / aggressive, too much for my personnal taste as well. With a more natural tone, it would be more pleasant and would open up the mix imo. But then again, i'm really not into this new scene.

The snare room/ambiance is a bit too low, what about hipassing the room/verb to avoir hearing a big "ouuuuuum" in the mid/low mid area each time it hits ? There's a ringing frequency as well that's kinda prominent, I'm not sure you were searching for a ringy snare tone in here. When guitars/bass do a silence, the only thing you can hear is the ringy frequency, which is unfortunate imo.

Otherwise I like that it's kinda balanced overall.

Cheers man, thanks for replying.

I accept you points, the guitar tone being quite sharp is the result of me using my Strat, the preset is used for both my humbucker and single coil guitars to give a variation of tones on my releases (or, I guess, my one release).

And I was very particular about the drums. There isn't room bleed on the kick, I'm not sure about the snare. But basically, I wanted a big snare with a lot of ring and resonance so what you're hearing is pretty much there on purpose. I'll probably change things up for my next release though!

Thanks again
No pb, like I said I'm not really fan of ringy snares, except in more drone-y or sludgy music, sometimes.

By "low" I meant the frequencies btw, I just realized it could be understood as "the room track volume is too low".
No pb, like I said I'm not really fan of ringy snares, except in more drone-y or sludgy music, sometimes.

By "low" I meant the frequencies btw, I just realized it could be understood as "the room track volume is too low".

Ah right, I'd probably have to eq the room in Superior Drummer 2 to adjust that. Thanks for pointing that out, it's definitely something I'll have a listen to the next time I'm recording :)

Any more feedback on the track/mix? All is appreciated :D
Whats your usual mastering chain if I may inquire?

The chain I've been using recently is: Sony (DAW) EQ 1 (high shelf reduction) => Stillwell 1973 EQ (high pass + low shelf and midrange cuts) => Sony (DAW) EQ 2 (minor eq for kick and minor mid and high mid cuts) => Stillwell Bombardier Buss Compressor => Still Event Horizon (Limiter)

This is nice man. Go Stratocasters!!!!:headbang:

Go stratocasters indeed! I love mine to bits :D
seriously man, i think this is such a refreshing kind of track for this forum. great songwriting complimented by a great production. i usually dont like the sound of strats unless its straight up rock n roll, but you really nailed this. makes me want to track something similar with my tele, hehe. good thing you have a catchy title to bring people into this thread :)

oh, and raw files would be a fun additive!
seriously man, i think this is such a refreshing kind of track for this forum. great songwriting complimented by a great production. i usually dont like the sound of strats unless its straight up rock n roll, but you really nailed this. makes me want to track something similar with my tele, hehe. good thing you have a catchy title to bring people into this thread :)

oh, and raw files would be a fun additive!

Thanks a lot man. I think the name helped a bit as it was my first song on soundcloud to get over 1000 plays, as well as 2000 which was suprising since none of my other songs got even near 1000 after months :D

I also want to dispel any myths that Strats can't be used for metal, because they sure can with great effect in my opinion :)

Like I said before, I quickly rendered everything from the DI's and kind of forgot about them, so I don't know which of the DI's are which. Probably should keep a better eye on the DI's from now on. I guess I could provide stems and midi for the drums, but I'm probably going to use this song on a future release so I'll maybe keep a hold of those ;)
Cheers man, I'm trying my best to dispel that myth that Strats can't do metal :)

No wonder I was thinking something was up with your tone in the other thread. Yeah, I don't hate the guitar tone, just not my cup of tea.

Really sick song, and really solid mix though!
No wonder I was thinking something was up with your tone in the other thread. Yeah, I don't hate the guitar tone, just not my cup of tea.

Really sick song, and really solid mix though!

The other thread was my 7 string, which has humbuckers :) Have to keep people guessing!

Thanks dude!