New song from my band, a mix between Dimmu and J Bieber


Jul 13, 2012
Well, I am mixing my band "Structure of Deceit" newest recorded song.
But it is damn easy to get deaf, and not hear how bad it is sounding :)

Anyhow, this is the things we have used to record this shit.

On the drums I used very shity mic. Only OH, kick and snare have good mickes
So toms are replaced and kick and snare are blended with samples.

The guitar is recorded with the all mighty Kemper, but I have tweaked the shit out of the guitars later on in Cubase.

Bass is the same as guitars, but with less tweaking.

Keyboards is only VSTi.
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Atleast on my speakers, the kick is entirely to quiet. Cymbals sound like a normal metal mix volume, or could stand to be a little louder. Bring the kick up first because at its current volume I can't give a decent feedback.