New song : I am (God)

ya pretty fucking epic to say the least, i personally like them better than most of the album tracks. the intrumental being the lowlight but the song "Floods" is A M A Z I N G. ive got so many plays on it already. Epic.
Floods is a riot so is most of 1000 suns.
This album was one of the 3 best releases of 2008 BY FAR

I'll let you people guess the 2 others :P

Sorceron : I havent found any floating new tunes around the web...but I must admit Im not fond of downloading illegally shared MP3's usually...Im sure you wont mind that will ya ;)
put another one on myspace already!!
I heard the new tunes

Tunes themselves are really good, its obvious that they are demo versions though as the prod tends to become a bit messy at fast pace. Final version of the songs should sound like a riot though.

One thing though Sorceron, I liked your voice better on 1000 suns than in the new tunes. It sounds like you are ''holding back'' like you hesitate to really scream or something. Also, in my opinion, you should use growls more often to add textures to the songs.

Overall, A-W is still a top notch band offering kickass Black metal to a scene that needs it badly. KEEP IT FUCKING COMIN' :rock:

ps : too bad about you being off the bill for the Nile tour...that was such a great opportunity for you...better luck next time man