New song I am working on right now.....

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Trying to structure and piece this jank together. Not working out so well yet, but hopefully i will have it finished eventually. Anyways Double tracked with my POD x3. Listening now the overheads sound way too loud. I will fix that later. Check it dewds!

UPDATED: Overheads turned down a bit.

I'm liking the guitar tone, I hear a slight bit of boxiness in it though. I would see to a SLIGHT bit of mid scooping.

I like the right ear guitar better than the left.

What are you using for drums. I'm not sure that the overheads are too loud, I think if you have any kind of ambient samples going on with the OH's, its adding TOO much.

Something sounds very unnatural in the left ear (a cymbal, I think) on the (One-e) i.e-counting: (one-e-and-a, etc) in the double bass part where the lead guitar is playing.

I like it overall, I'm only nitpicking, but that's what you're looking for, right?

Haha yeah i know which cymbal thing you are speaking up. Its like a crash/china pattern. China on the up beat and crash on the down beat. The drums are addictive drums. I might try scooping a little in the midrange department. What do you think, around 300 or 400 hz?
Use the metaltastic preset: :p


Awesome song dude. Everything sounds great to me! (aside from the overheads being a little loud)
Actually I just had another listen, and the snare has kind of a piercing high end when I listen really closely to it. Could maybe use a low pass around 15k? Not sure if that'll solve it.
Thanks for the kind words guys. I am trying to use this song as a guinea pig to get better at mixing and such as well as hopefully coming out with a solid track. Anyways I updated it. I raised the guitars and cut a little bit in the midrange department.