new song online - now 4 everyone

1. Dan here and there sounds like John
2. The song reminds me Inside Out or Stealing From A Thief
3. It sounds great :headbang:
4. Is that song called CRAWL?
Well, you can't really make any judgment form these bits and pieces. But that song sounds like a generic heavy-ballad so far. Have to hear it in its entirety... Dan sounds really pushed on there, almost as if he's trying too hard. We'll see if he's able to carry over the passion to the listener, like John always used to (I think that was one of the biggest strengths of Bush, he always sounded like he's singing his heart out, it didn't sound pushed or fake at any second).

So yeah, this stuff is most likely pleasing the Bush era fans, but (on the other hand) that will surely not diminish the amount of people who are calling Dan a Bush-copycat.
We'll see if he's able to carry over the passion to the listener, like John always used to (I think that was one of the biggest strengths of Bush, he always sounded like he's singing his heart out, it didn't sound pushed or fake at any second).

I agree. Another big strength of Bush is his ability to engross listeners on shows. John has a fucking big charisma that utilizes at all points during live performances as a frontman. If Dan Nelson wants to hit the mark, he'll have to his do best...HIS REALLY FUCKING BEST!
It is hard to glean to much from those snippets, but I can say it sounds better then what I was expecting had they cut a new album with Joey.

As much as I want a new album, I sort of wish they would do a short tour just so I could see what they are like live with Dan, (or at least 1 Cleveland show for me :) )

either way its Anthrax, and I'll be buying the cd the day it comes out.
i am loving these snippets,anthrax has pissed alot of people off but i guess that the best way to lay that to rest is to make great music to win alot of u guys back,i have a sneaking suspicion that that will do it with ease!!!
This new song sounds like Nickelback :erk:

"Fight'em..." sounds much better.

Don't know about Nickelback Tom, but I gotta agree with you that the "Fight Em" track sounds fucking killer. Brings back memories of why I got into Anthrax in the 80s.

I'm waiting for more Nelson era thrashing killers, timmyc :kickass:

Do you really expect the new album will have a thrash metal spirit within? I don't. The guys always write and play what they want, not what their fans want. A sticker with THRASH METAL sign was ripped off after Attack Of The Killer B's. Musicwise, the band went through an incredible big transformation. The Sound Of White Noise record set a direction for its followers - the new Anthrax album will be one of them. The line won't be broken. I bet my socks.