New song...Revalver Content

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
So I tracked the guitars with Peavey Revalver MkIII. Only thing in the signal chain was guitar-Maxon OD-9-Comp. I used the 6505 model with the Engl impulse. I think the guitars sound pretty solid. Maybe a bit woofy in sections though. Hope you dudes dig it.

I also scored a mint 5150 today, which I am stoked on as I have regretted selling mine years ago.

id bring up the guitars a little and
maybe lower the vocals 1 or 2 dbs

otherwise it sounds very good
I'd definitely bring the guitars up too... and lower the vocals too, but yeah, that's definitely a good tone!

I like the song as well! I think the vocalist is a great singer.
Here ya go dewds!


To answer Lowberg's question, last I questioned him about the drum sounds he said he uses Addictive Drums.

I'm a bit confued about this:
"guitar-Maxon OD-9-Comp"

What is this? There is a Naxon OD-9 pedal (I have a link above), but it's overdrive, not compressor.

What did this do for your sound?

thanks mate