New Song (Trap influence/mix)

Production is really tight. I dig it. Are you planning on any vocals? I really like the trap and chugs near the end haha pretty rad and a bit different.
hey man sick mix. Do you think you could explain a bit how you post process the guitar and bass

I think your guitar tone is a tad harsh in the upper freqs, especially through my HS80 on higher volumes. The mix overall however is super clean and nice. How did u get it so loud? My mixes is not close to that loud :/
As far as loudness, I'm not sure. I honestly think I just got lucky. I made sure everything fit nice and clear in the mix and then through some mastering edits on it, some compression so everything smashed down and bounced out when it needed to, and limited it. After that extremely small imaging and one last limiter push. I guess the mix just worked and had a lot of elasticity to be pushed to the limit!