New Soulfly album, "Prophecy", heard it?

Feb 12, 2004
Portland, Oregon
Or does that make me a 'nu-metal fag' for bringing that up here? If so, I'm sure all the real hardcore TRUE FANS OF METAL will set me straight.

Seems like their most metal record yet with a lot more leads/solos, less down-tuning, but still nowhere near "Beneath" or "Arise" era Sep. None of their drummers have been able to hold Igor's jock.

Their cover of Helmet's "In the meantime" on there is fucking killer though.
I never liked Soulfly. Adding leads and double-bass or whatever won't make them better.

Sepultura with Derrick Green owns them anyday.

So does Slipknot.
dun really like soulfly and their previous albums..however decided to give Prophecy a try and boy am i surprised..this album is good, diverse and kicks ass.. i dig it