New Stratovarius Video Blog

Savage Pumpkin

AKA Mr. Future World
Sep 6, 2008
Skokie, IL

STRATOVARIUS - Video Blog From The Studio Featuring Audio Samples Of New Material Available
Posted on Friday, October 17, 2008 at 02:54:39 EST

At the end of September STRATOVARIUS bassist Lauri Porra posted the following video blog from the studio, where the band is currently holed up working on a new album with new guitarist Matias Kupiainen. The video clip includes audio clips from the forthcoming record, suggesting the band has returned to their trademark sound:
I must be completely out of the loop.
I thought Stratovarius as a band by that name was completely done......
Nope. Tolkki left to form a new band, Revolution Renaissance. The other members brought it Matias Kupiainen and have been recording. They should have the demo out soon.
But can they write as well as Tolkki did? I havent' heard anything written by the band members in their other projects that indicates they can write worth a damn.
But can they write as well as Tolkki did? I havent' heard anything written by the band members in their other projects that indicates they can write worth a damn.
Tolkki's best stuff was written when he had a little influence. Most will agree, the "Elements" and beyond were not their best work. That is when he took over complete writing duties. Not saying he isn't a great composer. Just that the others haven't been given their due. And now they will. :headbang:
JESUS CHRIST! If Matias can play the old stuff like he plays on the demo, who needs an EDP like Tolkki? Let Tolkki whine his way through RevRen. I'll take Strato.:headbang::headbang:
This is exciting news. I can't wait to see what the band comes up with now that Tolkki is doing his own thing elsewhere.
Stratovarius announced today that they will continue with that name, they are recording a new album and they are booking tour dates. Here is part of the statement:

Oct 23, 2008
By JensJohansson

Live gigs and new album with Matias Kupiainen on guitar

Finnish melodic power metal legends Stratovarius are breaking the silence since guitar player Timo Tolkki left the band. They will return with a new studio album in 2009. It is a positive and powerful record that the band's fans all over the world are certain to take to their hearts.

"After Tolkki gave his blessing for us to go on without him, and after writing music together again this summer and a lot of thought, we have decided to carry the legacy of Stratovarius into the future", says Jens Johansson.

"We are all very excited about the record and about playing Stratovarius music live to our fans. We can't wait.", adds Timo Kotipelto.

More can be read here.

As expected, someone isn't happy with this decision and has posted a blog on myspace to that effect. So far, the reaction from the rest of the masses has been positive.
Stratovarius is dead, Long live Stratovarius!
Is what that someone had to say on his myspace blog.....

My guess is RR tanks and is criticized full on and Tolkki has another breakdown while the New Strato is glorious and continues to live on.

To quote Tolkki's own song: "Like the Phoenix I fly leaving the lies behind".... :OMG:
This is very good news indeed. Things seem to be settling down after all the turmoil in recent years. It's no use to point anyone particularly guilty of what has happened, obviously everyone was involved in the media stutnts they put up.

The guys continuing as Stratovarius will be a decent move if the record label accept them doing so. TT may feel bitter for a while, but it's also understandable since he has been the one to receive all the shit on behalf of the whole bunch. Many people, even those who should know better seem to have doomed TT as a crazy asshole which is definitely wrong.

Maybe now, when Strato will continue with the true "wunderkind" Matias Kupiainen on gt and TT has got his new RR line-up ready and working on new material already, then maybe there's hope that we old Strato fans are bound to get a double dose of excellent metal music in near future. That'll be the most important thing for me.