New Stratovarius vocalist and drummer

Unbelievable! Just when you think that Tolkki couldn't outdo himself...

The new singer of Strato is female, huh? She might just be the kick in the ass that the band needs...she might be a revolutionary influence on power metal or metal in general...she might just completely suck ass!

I have no problem with a female singer in the band, but do you think her introduction to the world could have been done with a little more taste and class, rather than the typical Tolkki "FUCK OFF" attitude.

Speaking of taste and class, what the fuck kind of an album name is PopKiller. tough and menacing. I guess this is Timo's way of saying "FUCK OFF" to pop music.

When I think of Strato...and I know they've had their ups-and-downs...but their name and (previous) reputation conjures up a certain amount of majesty, pomp, and grandness. Lately, all I see is Tolkki degrading what's left of a reputation.

I don't know...I just expect more from one of the world's top power metal acts...or, at least, I used to.

On top of it all...a pissing contest with Sanctuary. That's hilarious. You know that Sanctuary is kicking themselves in the balls right now for the bad timing...but who could see that coming??!! So they decide to ask for the money back. What other response do you expect from Tolkki other than "FUCK OFF!"

I hope they clean his clock in court...

The best part of that site is the small photo gallery at the bottom, which has 4 pictures of this hot new chick looking all hardcore, then one of that stupid fat fuck Tolkki looking hopelessly awkward and ugly.

Or maybe I'm just being mean.
Hilarious....... Seinfeld and Larry David couldn't write a better soap opera/ reality based comedy act for all the Euro in the world,....!!!
chibitotoro said:

The best part of that site is the small photo gallery at the bottom, which has 4 pictures of this hot new chick looking all hardcore, then one of that stupid fat fuck Tolkki looking hopelessly awkward and ugly.

Or maybe I'm just being mean.
Agreed, that was hilarious...this guy is getting more delusional by the day.
geeeezes, the pics with the bloody hands are just plain ridiculous!!
What a joke .......
Tolkki oudid himself once again, oh well, I think they always have been pretty boring anyway.
Man, what's wrong with this guy? I didn't really like the last album, but I still had a liking for the band as a whole! This guy's crazy. I hope this woman can really sing! She needs to be able to if this album is going to impress anyone. I just hope she's not another offense, she's great at what she does, but that's not my thing! I would like to hear a woman sing "Hunting High And Low" and "Phoenix" though!

I no longer really care if they play PP or not.
I'll play the optimist here.. since no one else is, just cos..

1) the Johansson's playing together again = cool in my book
2) she's hot and can probably sing her ass off, the calibur of female singers in today's metal far exceed those in the past
3) something NEW sounding for Stratovarius which a lot of people on these forums complain that they've gotten kinda predictable and stale
4) PP6 possibility depending on how much of an attitude change Mr T goes through before Glenn starts booking.
5) she's hot and can probably sing her ass off
6) that pose with the bloody heart is her being honest. All females do that to every guy they run into, now we all know what we're getting into with her :)


this has been a "lightersideofcreeps" production
Creeps said:
I'll play the optimist here.. since no one else is, just cos..

1) the Johansson's playing together again = cool in my book
2) she's hot and can probably sing her ass off, the calibur of female singers in today's metal far exceed those in the past
3) something NEW sounding for Stratovarius which a lot of people on these forums complain that they've gotten kinda predictable and stale
4) PP6 possibility depending on how much of an attitude change Mr T goes through before Glenn starts booking.
5) she's hot and can probably sing her ass off
6) that pose with the bloody heart is her being honest. All females do that to every guy they run into, now we all know what we're getting into with her :)


this has been a "lightersideofcreeps" production
In regards to #2 and #5... I personally think she looks and sounds like shit. I'm not the biggest Strato fan, But she isn't going to do anything to change my mind.

Based on the samples there... She's got zero skills.
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I have an Idea lets all get together and have a Stratovarius merch burning party video tape it and send it to that asshole maybe he'll get the hint,...