Trollki's insanity/My New Badass Avatar

Free will is an illusion.
We are driven by inconscious drivers and perhaps 2% of us are able to control those drives s o m e t i m e s.
Conscious mind is about 5% of human system.
Unconscious mind is 95%.
And there is our personal software planted by our parents, the evolution and society.
We are a neurotic mess, that tries to survive on this meaningless piece of rock that travels in the space.
Dalai Lama strikes me as a person who
has managed to shut out the everyday destructiveness that so directly hit everyone in daily life.
I don´t understand people who are able to do this and pretend that everything is happy, while at the same time all the facts and studies show for example the children and youngsters are living more destructive lives than ever before in the history.
When I remember the days when I was 14 and when I look at the world now, what kind of things people are capable of doing, it really makes me wonder who anyone can close their eyes from this madness.
Metalmaiden, book for you to check out:

Timo is definately confused. However, the Kabballah that he speaks of is real. Being Jewish, I am very familiar with the Kabballah, for it is a part of the Jewish faith. The Kabballah is the part of Judaism that deals with the soul, and how it works. It is referred to as "Jewish Mysticism." The Kabballah is in fact so holy to the Jewish people that even the highest of Rabbis don't even try to learn it. According to the "Tanach," which is ancient commentary of the Jewish Bible, to properly study Kabballah you must be over 40, born Jewish, and devote your ENTIRE life to it. That is why many rabbis don't study Kabballah. It is just too holy and complex. Now, Timo it seems is interested in the concept of Kabballah. These people are called "Kabballists" because they wish to learn the Kabballah. Members of the Kabballist movement include (I JOKE YOU NOT) Madonna and Britney Spears. Kabballists know not what they speak of, because the Kabballah is, as it is stated in the Tanach, a study of the soul through Jewish people. Also, Jesus has nothing to do with Judaism. It makes no sense that he would say that Jesus spoke to Timo about the Kaballah. It's contradictory. As a result, Timo is confused.