In the attic
Free will is an illusion.
We are driven by inconscious drivers and perhaps 2% of us are able to control those drives s o m e t i m e s.
Conscious mind is about 5% of human system.
Unconscious mind is 95%.
And there is our personal software planted by our parents, the evolution and society.
We are a neurotic mess, that tries to survive on this meaningless piece of rock that travels in the space.
We are driven by inconscious drivers and perhaps 2% of us are able to control those drives s o m e t i m e s.
Conscious mind is about 5% of human system.
Unconscious mind is 95%.
And there is our personal software planted by our parents, the evolution and society.
We are a neurotic mess, that tries to survive on this meaningless piece of rock that travels in the space.