New Stride album in the works...


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
I have been made privy to some demo samples of Stride's material for their forthcoming album, and all I have to say is....WOW!

No sophomore slump here, these guys are maintaining their class and their sound, combining balls-and-chunk with beautiful melodies in arrangements that only they can seem to piece together. Just had to share that with the masses.

By the way...don't even ask for samples, cuz I'm not gonna be the one responsible for leaking anything. You will have to pry them from my cold, dead hand...haha!

Rock on!
Yeah, yeah...I'm not discounting their first album, cuz it's great...and the first one that I picked up (at PPUSA4 pre-party), but pardon me for not counting an album that was self-released with no distribution (which is a crying shame).

In the public eye, Stride has a debut album via Sensory Records called Imagine.

If we're going to nit-pick, you could say they have 3 albums: (1) Music Machine (2) Bah, Humbug!, and (3) Imagine

If anyone hasn't checked out the X-mas album...totally worth it!

Rock on!
Alright, I'll amend my post to say, "No SENIOR slump, here..."

Will that do? Is that correct?

By the way, for those that don't know, Stride will be playing November 11th at the FBI club in Houston...should be very cool.

Rock on!