New stuff from me

tracked and mixed!
I thought these mixes sucked so badly lol
seriously you're too kind guys! I love you all ahahahah gay
You're making my day dudes ;)
The singer says the vocals have to be fixed since they're fucked up so badly, stuff you can't hear, stuff to be synced moreto the tempo and so on
Dual rectifier 3 channel into harley benton 4x12 (v30) into digi003 preamps, used an sm57 a la sneap.
I used for drums my Yamaha DTEXPRESS 2.0 I love how it turned considering it's an electronic drumkit
Used Superior 2.0 for sounds with sneap's chimaira tom samples.
The singer says the vocals have to be fixed since they're fucked up so badly, stuff you can't hear, stuff to be synced moreto the tempo and so on.

Oh I live these things :D
You have to fix something that you can't even hear... it's like the promo I had to do, where I had to fix every fuckin' tiny sound and particular, for a song that will only go on myspace (where the songs are fucked up by the compression)
Sound cool but the guitars may be a little too much "in your face" dry. They kind of feel out of place, at least for me.
Cool songs BTW
Sounds cool. It's heavy and it work's...Allthought it lacks some...catch/orginality? Tone rocks! Vocs are little bit blaa...not bad thought.