My new TOOL-ish band (S 2.0, EVH, Mark V)


Sep 11, 2009
SK, Canada 06-06.mp3

This is my new project's entry into the Canadian Songwriting Competition. It's all self produced and mixed in my basement (didn't have time for mastering and didn't want to half-ass it myself). I had a lot of cherries popped with this tune: first time recording vocals n bass, first time trying to mix 2 different heads, first time with fredman technique, first time using automation, first time using Superior 2.0, first time mixing on HS80s, etc.

I just want to say a BIG cheers and thank you to everyone on this forum for all the fantastic info here.


90% of what makes this song even listenable is due to stuff I've read here over the past 6 months. It's too late to change anything for the contest, but I'd love to hear your feedback, good or bad!

EDIT: tweaked and mastered version: - One Minute Closer 07.mp3

EDIT Deux: Updated mix Divided - OMC 20.mp3
Sound like Tool quite a bit especially in the middle.
I'm digging the bass tones and composition (use of odd meters :)).
Just some of the rougher vocals I feel could have used more compressions or automation as there was a tiny bit of swelling.

Overall VERY nice.
Cool sounding. I just mentioned in another thread about lack of inyourface in the mix. It goes for this mix aswell. It sounds really good and clean but you kinda get bored listening to it after a while... Nothing wrong with the song though!

And if you get the chance, record some MarkV clips for us amp dorks. I'm really interested hearing people recording that amp. Saw Petrucci played through one and it was probably the best live guitar sound I've ever heard.
Just some of the rougher vocals I feel could have used more compressions or automation as there was a tiny bit of swelling.

Yeah I hear ya. I ended up having less time than I thought to work on the vocals, so they were done in a bit of a rush. The bit of automation I did do helped, but there's certainly room for improvement.

I just mentioned in another thread about lack of inyourface in the mix. It goes for this mix aswell. It sounds really good and clean but you kinda get bored listening to it after a while... Nothing wrong with the song though!

And if you get the chance, record some MarkV clips for us amp dorks. I'm really interested hearing people recording that amp. Saw Petrucci played through one and it was probably the best live guitar sound I've ever heard.

Haha, I know what you mean, but I'm not sure how I would go about achieving it! That's probably a little out of the scope of my talents at the moment. Maybe somebody can make an INYOURFACE impulse? :rolleyes:

I only had a brief time with the Mark V. It's my buddy's head and it took a lot of persuading just to convince him to let me borrow it for an evening. I could post the MV clips from this tune, but they are a little undergained and trebley sounding by themselves (I thought that would be a good compliment to the slightly overgained and bass/mid heavy way I had my EVH set). Probably not the best examples of what that amp can do!
the song and mix is cool but the vocals need work, more compression and automation make them blend into the mix more... if you want upload backing track and vocals (unprocessed} would like to try to mix the vocals if you dont mind:)