very talented metalcore band I produced

yeah there's some feel that there are guitars and drums and not both if you see what i mean :D anyway the drums sound great, i love that snare drum
yeah you guys are right.
I listened on my ipod and the stereo and I am not happy yet.
I am so used to the marshall cab that i went over board with post eq on the guitars. realy more harm then good.
fix that later today

snare is a mix of lsd drums, slate and a secret ryan sample.
I am totaly not happy with the kick. mastering destroyed it :(
thanx for the tip!!! will try out later.

haha, this is actually a band that had booked me for this production but 1 month before tracking started, they didnt have "the money"....
now they went somewhere else... well, whatever, contracts are my best friend from now on id say ;-) hope you had fun with these guys ;-)
i wont comment on the music as im "biased" (and still pissed, hehe).

the whole thing (but especially drums and guitars) seem very focused on the highs.i somehow have the feeling that fgx messes with the low end
making masters really harsh... (if you used fgx?)

im thinking about not using fgx anymore, as i have the feeling you can tell from miles away that fgx was used (and it produces a weak lowend with an artificial high end...) but thats just me, i might be totally wrong.

anyone else got the feeling that fgx messes with your guitars?

not to forget : gabriel - nice job!
the whole thing (but especially drums and guitars) seem very focused on the highs.i somehow have the feeling that fgx messes with the low end
making masters really harsh... (if you used fgx?)

im thinking about not using fgx anymore, as i have the feeling you can tell from miles away that fgx was used (and it produces a weak lowend with an artificial high end...) but thats just me, i might be totally wrong.

anyone else got the feeling that fgx messes with your guitars?

not to forget : gabriel - nice job!

yep, that's why I got rid of my copy of FGX...just not for me
haha, this is actually a band that had booked me for this production but 1 month before tracking started, they didnt have "the money"....
now they went somewhere else... well, whatever, contracts are my best friend from now on id say ;-) hope you had fun with these guys ;-)
i wont comment on the music as im "biased" (and still pissed, hehe).

the whole thing (but especially drums and guitars) seem very focused on the highs.i somehow have the feeling that fgx messes with the low end
making masters really harsh... (if you used fgx?)

im thinking about not using fgx anymore, as i have the feeling you can tell from miles away that fgx was used (and it produces a weak lowend with an artificial high end...) but thats just me, i might be totally wrong.

anyone else got the feeling that fgx messes with your guitars?

not to forget : gabriel - nice job!

about fgx:
Yeah you are right. It is realy transparent and stuff, but you cant get the level out of it. This was a very fast master in the same project, and you guys are totaly right. the full lowend is gone :/
Normaly I get the volume with the metric halo beeing clipped and with its build in softsaturation....
will post a new clip soon.

about the mix:

about the band:
Just heard from them that they wanted to track with you, and I said that you would be good buisiness.
Then most of the guys chilled out while I was tracking two bands who they are friends with, and decided to track with me.

about the band:
Just heard from them that they wanted to track with you, and I said that you would be good buisiness.
Then most of the guys chilled out while I was tracking two bands who they are friends with, and decided to track with me.

yeah, im really not blaming you, its the attitude those (and this) bands have.
i invested time in explaining them how everyhting works,
finding the dates, taking the time off etc. just to have an email with :
we wont do it a couple of weeks before tracking. and we had those dates for like 3 months....... well, hope they treat you right ! ;-)
they are officially on my "blacklist" now. its just not the way
you handle things...

but back to topic :
your clipping the metric halo. is that 2 db ? or even more?
what are your thoughts on fgx ?
The new version, w/o the FGX, sounds NOTICEABLY better. Couldn't tell you why(wouldn't know the technical terms), but taking the FGX off really made it sound more congealed, whereas w/ the FGX, each instrument seemed to isolated sounding.
Guitars and bass are too low in level.

Kick would have to come up some if you were to bring the guitars up.