First time mixing my own band, melodic hardcore!

Umm..well...the vocals need a TON of work. The cleans sound like whiny emo-punk, and the screams/growls are not only being done with horrible technique but they totally lack any power or aggression.
Sounds very odd in so many ways. Guitars and vocals need a lot of work, it sounds like the vocals are sitting infront of the rest of the mix, they don't gel at all.
Guitars need clearing up a bit, sound a bit fizzy/muddy. Vocals are a bit too loud, and the drums could do with being a little louder. That snare sounds really weak, needs a bit more bite. The kick sounds okay, but needs to be a little louder. Other than that it's fine IMO.
Don't mislead people by telling them this is melodic hardcore.

Does it really matter dude? The time you spent typing that sentence could have been used helping this guy and his track. Which is obviously why he posted it up in the first place. Not to create a "genre" discussion.

Back to the track. It does need a lot of work. Vocals sound very plain. There is no life in them. Maybe some verb or a pinch of delay to thicken them up and make them sit better in the mix. Guitars are buried. They need more mids. Or maybe even quad tracked to give them some balls. Drums for the most part sound the best out of everything. Snare could use more snap and crack but kicks and cymbals sound good. Keep at it and keep tweaking.
that mix is about 4 months old and discontinued.

click HERE to check my newest work! It's just a practicing mix, but some feedback would be cool anyways!