New mix with my band..need some opinions..


Jun 18, 2009
Hey guys, first time posting a mix up on this site. Been browsing through this UM for sometime and have come to learning alot from you guys. But anyways, here's a mix I've been working on. I think I have all the instruments balanced good but I can't really seem to get the vocals to sit...I think..

So all in all..looking for some opinions on what I can improve.

Thanks again guys.
yo bro the drums sound so fake^^
and i think the mix misses low end

Hey man, appreciate your opinion. But gotta say...drums are sooo real. Only sample I used was on the kick and I made that from the same kit. :)

But now that I've caught up on some rest and doing some sounds like the mix could use a slight boost in the high end (because I'm hearing lots of low end).. to me at least... But, I'll check into adding some more low end.

Thanks for the opinion Mango, much appreciated.

Anyone else have suggestions?
This totally reminds me of Dethklok XD ...A little Amon Amarth too.

Vocals are too loud IMO, guitars need some more balls/volume.
Something is indeed up with the low end, it feels like there is something missing in the overall mix.
More info on the specs of the mix would help greatly.
This totally reminds me of Dethklok XD ...A little Amon Amarth too.

Vocals are too loud IMO, guitars need some more balls/volume.
Something is indeed up with the low end, it feels like there is something missing in the overall mix.
More info on the specs of the mix would help greatly.

Heh Heh..Amon Amarth is one of our biggest influences. :rock:

Ok, I'll turn down the vocals a bit. Where about in the low end does it seem to be missing? Maybe I need to do some work on the bass track? Do you think some low mids need to be boosted on the guitars to balls it up?

track wise I have:
Kick- Was sampled using a D6
Overheads- Cheap pencils (need to upgrade)
Snare Top- 57
Snare Bottom- 57
Bass DI
Guitar 1- SM57 (Off Axis)
Guitar 1- E609 (On Dustcap)
Guitar 2- Same micing as Gtr 1
Vocals- AE3000
Choir- multiple takes of singer in different pitches

All running into built in pres on Motu 896.

Guitars right now have a low pass filter at 38hz and a small dip at 2khrz.

Im gonna mess around with a spectrum analyzer to see whats going on.

Thanks for the help so far.
need a lot more grit to the guitars, in fact it needs more volume too.

Yeah I'm working out the kinks in the guitars and the overall mix currently. I gave the guitars a bump in the low mids to beef it up alittle and turned it up the mix as well.

strange, I too thought the drums are fake

Nope, all real. But assuming that some are thinking they're fake then I guess I'll work on them too to sound more real and open.

Thanks for the advice Apollo.
Try a highpass on the guitars of around 75hz, I know it might sound counterproductive when you're trying to beef up the sound, but it should give the bass some breathing room. I have all my stuff highpassed at 100Hz (and i'm in drop A#)

Try splitting the bass DI signal and send it to a BUS highpassing it at 200Hz or so, throwing some distortion on, maybe an L1-esque plugin to give it some more bite. I put Sansamp psa-1 on the BUS track to get some more midrange in the bass to let the growl come through while leave the original DI signal alone (besides an 1176 style compressor and CamelCrusher!) to basically provide all the lows.

Hope that makes sense, I'm tired :P
Try a highpass on the guitars of around 75hz, I know it might sound counterproductive when you're trying to beef up the sound, but it should give the bass some breathing room. I have all my stuff highpassed at 100Hz (and i'm in drop A#)

Try splitting the bass DI signal and send it to a BUS highpassing it at 200Hz or so, throwing some distortion on, maybe an L1-esque plugin to give it some more bite. I put Sansamp psa-1 on the BUS track to get some more midrange in the bass to let the growl come through while leave the original DI signal alone (besides an 1176 style compressor and CamelCrusher!) to basically provide all the lows.

Hope that makes sense, I'm tired :P

Thanks man. I'll trying doing that. Sometime soon I'll try posting what progress has come out of it. Thanks for all the help so far. Much appreciated.
the bass and drums sounds awesome together. Seriously, after listenning to this mix more and more i realise i like the sound of it. My only concern is the guitar tone. But i think the others allready posted what was missing in the guitars. The mix doesn't lack low end at all.
the bass and drums sounds awesome together. Seriously, after listenning to this mix more and more i realise i like the sound of it. My only concern is the guitar tone. But i think the others allready posted what was missing in the guitars. The mix doesn't lack low end at all.

Thanks Aerial. I plan on re-tracking the guitars pretty soon. After much listening, I think it'd be best for it.

I've also ran this mix through a spectrum analyzer today and have came to a conclusion that there is indeed quite a bit of low end in the mix. I mean it's way up there. Now, question it cutting through the mix enough? Thats what Im going to try and find out. I mean..on my monitors and head phones its seems to be cutting through decent. But to others it seems to be lacking in spots. So I'm slowly working out the kinks.:)