new Suspyre - 9 out of 10 on B'mouth!!!

Thanks a lot Dustin for this link, I hadn't read the review yet, seems some
jaded blabbermouth junkies, have rated the album rather poorly to try and put it in it's place....8 folks that are members gave it a 1 of 10, if you are a member out there on blabbermouth, and have heard this album I encourage you to go over and rate the album!:headbang:
Thanks a lot Dustin for this link, I hadn't read the review yet, seems some
jaded blabbermouth junkies, have rated the album rather poorly to try and put it in it's place....8 folks that are members gave it a 1 of 10, if you are a member out there on blabbermouth, and have heard this album I encourage you to go over and rate the album!:headbang:


however, the comments that run down the page were very nice. I'm just happy other folks are taking a listen to the cd and most seem to be enjoying it. yay.
...well, 21 rateing it at a 10 and a few 9's? That's pretty damn good, especially all the positive comments.... and then eight jokers taking it at the "1" ranking. :Smug:

Keep in mind, the people rating it at a pitifull "1" are usually, (1.) Elitists who will knock anything that isn't in there genre of taste (2.) Regulars who frequenet B'mouth doing it to be smart asses (3.) People from the bands own local scene; envious of their accolades.

regardless of the few cock-mongers there, consider it a good thing being that it is a very high traffic site, and great free advertising.

To make anyone feel better - you know you've made it when you get a comment on B'mouth that looks like this:

"Katagory V need to eat a dick. They are so fucking ridiculous and have to have their buddies or bandmates interview each other to submit to B'mouth.
Get real you fucking douchebags the last thing SLC music needs is a band like you representing it on any music website. Take your brand of cock rock to Idaho where no one will notice how god damn weak you washed-up-mid-life-crisis "kings of the valley" really are." - Count Grishnackh

No it's not THE Count Grishnackh (a.k.a Varg of Burzum fame) possibly someone who read to many Tolkken books...we've come to know that it's actually somone from our local scene, feeling just a little bitter about us for some reason. :lol:

Yup, you Gotta have thick skin in this biz! :cool: :headbang:
...well, 21 rateing it at a 10 and a few 9's? That's pretty damn good, especially all the positive comments.... and then eight jokers taking it at the "1" ranking. :Smug:

Keep in mind, the people rating it at a pitifull "1" are usually, (1.) Elitists who will knock anything that isn't in there genre of taste (2.) Regulars who frequenet B'mouth doing it to be smart asses (3.) People from the bands own local scene; envious of their accolades.

regardless of the few cock-mongers there, consider it a good thing being that it is a very high traffic site, and great free advertising.

To make anyone feel better - you know you've made it when you get a comment on B'mouth that looks like this:

"Katagory V need to eat a dick. They are so fucking ridiculous and have to have their buddies or bandmates interview each other to submit to B'mouth.
Get real you fucking douchebags the last thing SLC music needs is a band like you representing it on any music website. Take your brand of cock rock to Idaho where no one will notice how god damn weak you washed-up-mid-life-crisis "kings of the valley" really are." - Count Grishnackh

No it's not THE Count Grishnackh (a.k.a Varg of Burzum fame) possibly someone who read to many Tolkken books...we've come to know that it's actually somone from our local scene, feeling just a little bitter about us for some reason. :lol:

Yup, you Gotta have thick skin in this biz! :cool: :headbang:

Most people with a brain know it's just plain ole BS when you see stuff like that... lmao - those kind of people just need to take their medications and relax!!
"Katagory V need to eat a dick. They are so fucking ridiculous and have to have their buddies or bandmates interview each other to submit to B'mouth.
Get real you fucking douchebags the last thing SLC music needs is a band like you representing it on any music website. Take your brand of cock rock to Idaho where no one will notice how god damn weak you washed-up-mid-life-crisis "kings of the valley" really are." - Count Grishnackh

No it's not THE Count Grishnackh (a.k.a Varg of Burzum fame) possibly someone who read to many Tolkken books...we've come to know that it's actually somone from our local scene, feeling just a little bitter about us for some reason. :lol:

Yup, you Gotta have thick skin in this biz! :cool: :headbang:

I'm sure the turdface that wrote this is in an EMO band...and probably enjoys listening to Avril Lavigne records on a constant basis.