New The Devil Wears Prada

we made it

i used audio ease's "speaker phone" plugin to make it sound the way it does

we recorded the speaking with sm7b

then i edited the voice to make him sound older using antares vocal throat modeling plugin, and soundshifter pitch

then it was ran through speakerphone where the sound of a old microphone going through an old radio in a bedroom was emulated /modeled

from here the voice was processed in a fork, one way it went through an AM Radio being tuned, and recorded. The result of this was way messy so some of the talking was not understandable. The other route was through the same am radio with no radio dial tuning. the two were blended together with EQ / volume automation

then i flattened all of this EXCEPT for the am radio tune, which was left unaltered

then the tracks were hand-edited by cutting up chunks and randomly repeating small parts in random lengths / positions, all by hand

finally the entire result was ran through a few filters (from pod farm!)

the whole thing took about an hour.

EDIT: oh and the person talking is their keyboard player. I talk on the first song, i say "oh my god they're everywhere" but my voice sounds way movie like. it makes me picture the matrix when they have a close up shot of one of the dudes and they say something way epic. haha. i stayed up really late so i would wake up all groggy and my voice was slightly lower pitched. i recorded my voice over using an audix i5 because it was handy as my talkback mic... its actually scientific fact that your voice is lower when you first wake up, and it worked. then i pitch shifted my self about a half step lower to get the final result. but no one will hear this until the ep comes out anyway so i dont know why im babbling on about it ,,,

this is why i have so much respect for you
shit like this
god damn.
Wow, someone that really uses Antares vocal throat modeling plugin! When I first saw this plugin I thought "lol, kickass" but never knew anyone that had actually used it for anything. Do you use it for making lead vocals better too or just as an fx like in this case?

i like to use it as an FX

i dont think its really good on anything melodic / main vocal lines

although it works when you've got a shrill note and need to make it slightly deeper, on a sylable or two.
This is the best TDWP song I've heard. The only album I own is "Plagues" and the sloppiness has always bugged me (and confusing since I thought Joey was known for extreme editing) but this song is pretty tight. Also sounds like a completely different vocalist. Used to sound like a little kid, but now sounds a lot better.

Nice work Joey!
The only album I own is "Plagues" and the sloppiness has always bugged me (and confusing since I thought Joey was known for extreme editing) but this song is pretty tight

don't quote me on this, but IIRC, that album was pretty much cut live in the studio and had little editing after the fact...

also, it's awesome to get some insight into how some of the unique sounds for this EP were created, but is anyone else getting sick as fuck of the whole scene kid zombie obsession?
don't quote me on this, but IIRC, that album was pretty much cut live in the studio and had little editing after the fact...

also, it's awesome to get some insight into how some of the unique sounds for this EP were created, but is anyone else getting sick as fuck of the whole scene kid zombie obsession?

I think Mike came up with this idea of concept through literature, not being a scene kid.
I just jizzed over the effectiveness of that intro radio bit! Cheers for clearing up how you did it too! A little out of my reach, but I want to emulate something along those lines and like the old distorted 60's speech style effect for some shit on our album ;)
Yeah dude. That shit opened up a whole new world for me which is surprising considering I spend hours and hours looking for samples in movies. Duh, they made those effects for the movie. Why didn't I think of that? :Spin: Now I'm thinking like a movie/fx score. Still much to learn though.

alright is it just me, or when the first main riff comes in at :14 seconds does anyone else hear like some sort of cowbell keeping like the same beat as the guitars? it might not be a cowbell but its something, i know im not imagining it. all my friends say they cant hear it but its like the most apparent thing to me. tell me im not going crazy. also i think it sounds sick.
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They have a synth/keys player. Sounds like a Eurogate to me. Unless it's something else that you're hearing.

EDIT: Definitely a Eurogate.
its actually keeping the same beat as the bass drum. idk what it is it just sounds really cool i havent heard anyone do that before. i like the fact that its subtle too not out in the open