Well "tis the season" for crazed holiday madness. We sorta have a love/hate relationship with this pandemonium, and to keep a lil' tradition going here we're offering up another "Special Holiday Promotion" in the Robotic Empire - Online Store... kinda like last year's, but a little better. Basically anyone who orders $50 worth or more of stuff can get 10% off and a free "Destroyer Zombies" Robotic Empire t-shirt too. Just let us know you're preferred size and color (comes on a black or white t-shirt) and we'll hook it up as long as the supplies last.
HOLIDAZE is the coupon code to get 10% off all $50+ orders, and here's how you redeem it: Add stuff to your cart and check out as usual. After you sign in with PayPal, you get taken back to the Robo Store and THERE is where you enter in the HOLIDAZE redemption code, and right below in the "notes" box is where you should put in your preferred size and color for the free "Destroyer Zombies" t-shirt.
Also on the same topic: SHIPPING IN TIME FOR XMAS: People can kinda lose their heads a bit this time of year so we're gonna spell it out plain and clear:
* All "media mail" orders placed after December 7th CANNOT be guaranteed to arrive before the 25th. This method can already be slow during normal shipping times, so yeah, Dec 7th is the cutoff date for "media mail".
* Otherwise either "Priority Mail" or "UPS Ground" are the best way to go. Those both move much faster than other shipping methods, so please chose this if you are trying to get something quickly.
* ALSO: please tack on a few extra days for us to pack & ship your orders! This time of year gets especially hectic and due to the relatively small size of our operation, it can get a little backed up. Please allow a few extra days beyond just standard shipping time.
* THANK YOU! That's probably the most important thing of all to note. We really appreciate you ordering from us for your friends/family/self/etc, so we gotta throw that in there. Just have to be sorta blunt about the other stuff too though so there's no confusion.
OK gabba gabba gabba, blah blah...yammerin on and on. Here's the cool part of the update: new stuff!

Guess what: a new THOU release! Looks like we're gonna be one of the main distributors for the new Richmond upstart label Mirror Universe, and they've kicked things off right with a brutal (and extensive) split 7" from bayou brothers THOU and HAARP. Baton Rouge vs New Orleans, and man alive are these some burly jams! The content of this 7" is pretty much outlandish: classic apocalyptic woodcut imagery, a huge poster insert, a bigass booklet stapled to the interior of the jacket, and cool orangey red "fire" colored vinyl too. (click here for a larger photo of the whole shebang) Not a bad way to do things at all, and a very appropriate teamup of some of the heaviest bands coming out of the south right now. Pretty stoked on this jammer!
In addition to that bad boy, we've also stocked up on a variety of stuff for this recent update, including some heavy tunes and awesome new Zeep body care supplies & amazing soaps! Here's the latest:
* Atlas Moth, The - Pray for Tides 7" (Witch Trial) $4.99
* Bamboo Glade - Soap (Zeep Soap) $4.99
* Bergamot Mint and Lemon - Sugar Scrub 8oz. Body Care (Zeep Soap) $19.99
* Golden Oat and Almond - Soap (Zeep Soap) $4.99
* Green Tea, Ginger and Lemon - Soap (Zeep Soap) $4.99
* Lavender and Seaweed - Soap (Zeep Soap) $4.99
* Litany For The Whale - Dolores CD (Teenage Disco Bloodbath) $7.99
* Lord Mantis - Period Face CD (Witch Trial) $7.99
* Phantom Family Halo - Monoliths & These Flowers Never Die 2x12" (Karate Body) $19.99
* Raise The Red Lantern - Thunderf#%k CD (Witch Trial) $7.99
* Snack Truck - Spacial Findings CD (Rorschach) $7.99
* Sore Muscle Rub - Body Care (Zeep Soap) $10.50
* Tea Tree Oil and Kelp - Sugar Scrub 8oz. Body Care (Zeep Soap) $19.99
* Thou / Haarp - Reincarnation Prayer [split] - FIRE COLORED VINYL 7" (Mirror Universe) $3.99
* Engineer - The Dregs - ORANGE BLACK HAZE COLORED VINYL 12" (Teenage Disco Bloodbath) $10.99
* Hemp And Sage Soap (Zeep Soap) $4.99
* Tea Tree Oil and Organic Kelp Soap (Zeep Soap) $4.99
* Thou / Mohoram Atta - Split 12" (Halo Of Flies) $10.99
* Tides - From Silence CDep (Teenage Disco Bloodbath) $7.99
* Electric Wizard - Dopethrone T-Shirt - Size: EXTRA LARGE (Eat Death) $11.99
* Electric Wizard - Dopethrone T-Shirt - Size: LARGE (Eat Death) $11.99
* Electric Wizard - Dopethrone T-Shirt - Size: MEDIUM (Eat Death) $11.99
* Electric Wizard - Dopethrone T-Shirt - Size: SMALL (Eat Death) $11.99
* Merzbow - Pulse Demon T-Shirt - Size: LARGE (Eat Death) $11.99
* Merzbow - Pulse Demon T-Shirt - Size: MEDIUM (Eat Death) $11.99
* Merzbow - Pulse Demon T-Shirt - Size: SMALL (Eat Death) $11.99
* Merzbow - Pulse Demon T-Shirt - Size: XLARGE (Eat Death) $11.99
* Cobra Noir - Adobe of the Dead CD (Cylcop Media) $4.99
* Commando - Talk of The Town CD (Cyclop Media) $2.99
* Dreamed Yellow Swans - Self-Titled CD (Deleted Art) $5.99
* Enola Grey - Cabal CDep (Feeling Faint) $4.99
* Gnaw - This Face - BLACK VINYL 12" (Conspiracy) $14.99
* Gnaw - This Face - RED COLORED VINYL 12" (Conspiracy) $14.99
* Heads Will Roll - Information As Terminal Disease - 180 GRAM VINYL 12" (Division Sound) $6.99
* Mae Shi, The - Go Zbra CD (Deleted Art) $4.99
Plus we had a small but chronic update last week, so here's all that junx again too:
NEW ITEMS: (from 11/22/09)
* Dead Friends - Self-Titled 12" (Vinyl Rites) $9.99
* Little Gold - On The Knife 12" (Adagio830) $10.99
* Omega Massif / Mount Logan - Split - CLOUD GREY COLORED VINYL 12" (Vendetta) $10.99
* Omega Massif / Mount Logan - Split CD (Vendetta) $9.99
* Poison Idea - Latest Will And Testament - PICTURE DISC VINYL 12" (Farewell) $9.99
* Poison Idea - Latest Will And Testament 12" (Farewell) $9.99
* Portraits of Past - Cypress Dust Witch 12" (Excursions Into The Abyss) $9.99
* Portraits of Past - Cypress Dust Witch CD (Excursions Into The Abyss) $7.99
* Thou / Salome - Split 12" (Vendetta) $12.99
* Wasted Time - And So It Goes: The First Two EP's 12" (La Familia) $9.99
* Wasted Time - Futility CD (Farewell) $9.99
* Wolfbrigade - Comalive 12" (Farewell) $9.99
RESTOCKS: (from 11/22/09)
* Genghis Tron - Board Up The House Remixes Vol. 5 - MAGENTA GREEN SWIRL COLORED VINYL 12" (Crucial Blast) $11.99
* Ingrid - Tryangle Cassette (Cosmic Debris) $4.20
* Overmars - Born Again CD (Crucial Blast) $7.99
* Pygmy Lush - Mt. Hope - CLEAR COLORED VINYL 12" (Adagio830) $12.99
* Pygmy Lush - Mt. Hope - RED COLORED VINYL 12" (Adagio830) $12.99
* Salome - Self-Titled CD (Vendetta) $11.99
* Wildildlife - Six CD (Crucial Blast) $7.99
* Year Of No Light - Nord CD (Crucial Blast) $7.99
* Zann / Trainwreck / Perth Express / Ghostlimb - Split 12" (Adagio 830) $12.99
* Aidan Baker (Nadja) - I Fall Into You CD (Basses Frequences) $15.99
* Born Dead / Consume - Split Cassette (Yellow Dog) $3.99
* Caves, Caverns - Self-Titled Cassette (Cosmic Debris) $4.20
* Church Of Misery - The Second Coming CD (Basses Frequences) $15.99
* Corrupted - Paso Inferior 12" (Insolito) $14.99
* Engineer - Reproach CD (Hex) $7.99
* Fiction, The - Names CD (Waking) $7.99
* Index For Potential Suicide - The Newest Youth Rebellion 12" (Insolito) $5.99
* Ingrid - Tryangle Cassette (Cosmic Debris) $4.20
* Kaep Yroc - Self-Titled Cassette (Sass Bologna) $4.99
* Medusa - En Raga Sul Cassette (Robotic Empire) $4.99
* Mills Of God - Call Of The Eastern Moon CD (Modus Operandi) $14.99
* Panicsville / Wether - Split Cassette (No Horse Sh!t) $4.20
* Phoenix Bodies - Raise The Bullsh!t Flag Cassette (Utarid) $5.99
* Pink Razors - Chainsaws - Size: LARGE T-Shirt (Robotic Empire) $7.99
* Pink Razors - Chainsaws - Size: YOUTH LARGE T-Shirt (Robotic Empire) $7.99
* Pink Razors - Rabbit - Size: EXTRA LARGE T-Shirt (Robotic Empire) $7.99
* Pink Razors - Rabbit - Size: YOUTH LARGE T-Shirt (Robotic Empire) $7.99
* Pizza / Tideland - Split 7" (Cosmic Debris) $4.20
* Reds - Is:Means CD (Waking) $7.99
* Towers - Self-Titled Cassette (Protagonist) $4.99
* Wasted - Heroes Amongst Thieves Cassette (Trujaca Fala) $3.99
* Wether / Keyboard Masters - Get Your Ass To Mars CD-R (Peasant Magik) $4.20
* Wether / Pillars Of Heaven - Split Cassette (Peasant Magik) $4.20
* Wether / Sean Connolly - Skeletal Snowcaps CD-R (No Horse Sh!t) $4.20
* Wether / Teeth Collection - Split 7" (No Horse Sh!t) $4.20
* Wether - The Iceblink CD-R (Peasant Magik) $4.20
Phew! OK folks please get those holiday orders in soon/now! We majorly appreciate you checking out stuff from us, peace!
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