New Three Stooges Movie Slated for 2010 release! Top Hollwood Talent tapped for cast!

Though I think the Marx Brothers did it better. ;)

Well, the Marx Bros. did have some slapstick in their act but it was far wittier and more dialogue heavy (and musical, for better or worse) than the stooges (and it's damn funny). The stooges are just slapstick guys without a lot of class or wisecracks to their credit (and it's damn funny).
The actors did a really good job portraying the stooges, and you can tell the guys who made the movie tried really hard to keep it true to the classic points. I think this movie would've worked better if it wasn't in a modern day setting. there wouldn't be so many awful pop culture references, like when Moe joined the Jersey Shore (I shit you not). The story was kind of dumb as well. Not a good kind of dumb like the classic stooges, but just dumb dumb. But yeah I wouldn't classify this as a must-see at all. I saw it once and have no interest in seeing it again.