New to!


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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I am new to Amaran. I think I may have heard an mp3 in the past, but the description of their music sounds very interesting. Where do I statrt? What cds are available? Where do I get them? Can I sample some tunes somewhere? Thanks a lot!
dolphz said:
I am new to Amaran. I think I may have heard an mp3 in the past, but the description of their music sounds very interesting. Where do I statrt? What cds are available? Where do I get them? Can I sample some tunes somewhere? Thanks a lot!

Eek, I wrote this once but I unintentionally hit command-W and closed the window, so I'm going to make this post kind of short. Anyway, you can sample Amaran at Included are two songs from A World Depraved and an earlier version of a song from their promo. AWD would probably be the place to start, since that is their first full album.

Since you're in the US you may have a difficult time finding their album 'A World Depraved' in casual music stores. Therefore I suggest you try The End Records as a means to acquire the disc. $12 and free shipping. :) That's where I picked my copy up a while back.

Amaran also has another album coming out called "Pristine In Bondage" You can hear a few sample clips at Amaran's web site. (Just click the audio link in the left link bar) and you'll be presented with two links to the songs Atropine and Inflict.

Hope this has been helpful!

Well, I just ordered A World Depraved (along with
nightwish -century child and anathema-silent enigma reissue, god i hate that store, can't buy just one cd there! :)) from The End. I'll let you know what I think.

dolphz said:
Well, I just ordered A World Depraved (along with
nightwish -century child and anathema-silent enigma reissue, god i hate that store, can't buy just one cd there! :)) from The End. I'll let you know what I think.


Yo!!! "The silent Enigma" is one of my absolute favorite albums!!!!
I think that Roinnie 1.0 agrees on that;-)

Glad you ordered bouth albums mate!
Regarding the Nightwish album... I'll better keep my ugly face shut;)

LillaFetknoppen said:
Yo!!! "The silent Enigma" is one of my absolute favorite albums!!!!
I think that Roinnie 1.0 agrees on that;-)
Hell yeah! I was shocked when I heard that they wrote the whole thing in the's the best Anathema album together with Alternative 4!
I'm new to Amaran as well! Someone tipped me to go and check out Amaran. (mcoenen gets the credits) But the only thing I could think of was: "wow!!!"

Damn you guys are good! I will definately get AWD now I finally know where to get it! (First I'll check out an "alternative" cd store here, they might have it)

What I still can't find is merchandise, like Amaran girlies. Do they even exist? If they do, where can I get it?

I'm from Holland so I can't wait 'till next month, I will be at the Goudvishal :D At least, I hope so!!!

Sinderella said:
I'm new to Amaran as well! Someone tipped me to go and check out Amaran. (mcoenen gets the credits) But the only thing I could think of was: "wow!!!"

Damn you guys are good! I will definately get AWD now I finally know where to get it! (First I'll check out an "alternative" cd store here, they might have it)

What I still can't find is merchandise, like Amaran girlies. Do they even exist? If they do, where can I get it?

I'm from Holland so I can't wait 'till next month, I will be at the Goudvishal :D At least, I hope so!!!


Mcoenen told me about you :) We had 'girlies' but they're all long gone, but we'll have to make new ones :) We'll bring merchandise (or at least t-shirts/girlies) with us to Holland.
Newflesh said:
Mcoenen told me about you :) We had 'girlies' but they're all long gone, but we'll have to make new ones :) We'll bring merchandise (or at least t-shirts/girlies) with us to Holland.
Hehe, and he told me that he told you ;) (but he really did) I tried to install ICQ but it didn't work :D

Good to hear! I'll bring my cash with me! Do ho have any idea how much girlies would cost? Because I'm just a poor student you see.. :D
howdy, how excited i was to hear anathema being discussed on here....i only just got into them, my first metal band awwww and then i mosied on over to here checked out a few songs, loved you, said so on the anathema forum, came back on here and theres ppl who like anathema yay - you and them are my first two metal bands.....its like my first doc martins only not shoes...what have i been listening to all these years - i dont know *rolls eyes*