New to Me....


I have been getting into the band HIM no not the shit mallcore band HIMSA, what the fuck is a HIMSA anyway?! HIM is fucking off the hook!
I boiught three of their records...
Also picked up The Sounds(Thanks Greeno) unreal sounding band, like a cross between Missing Persons & Blondie or somethign like that...
Also picked up the Bodom E.P. It's not bad at all....
Last week I picked up Soilwork's new one, haven't really soaked that one in, I also got their E.P. with the Purple & Mercy covers!!!! That's the shit!
And can't forget Into Eternity!
HIM is a decent goth like band but I hate that Bam Magera dude ruining them
by wearing there shirts now all the Mallratt nu-metal nerds are wearing their shirts
and hats all the time and their the latest trendfest.
KMADD said:
HIM is a decent goth like band but I hate that Bam Magera dude ruining them
by wearing there shirts now all the Mallratt nu-metal nerds are wearing their shirts
and hats all the time and their the latest trendfest.

I agree, I actually heard them at my friend's store, he recently heard them & had me check out their records... Great band, has a retro type feel to it &
it rocks too...
sixxswine said:
Also picked up the Bodom E.P. It's not bad at all....

Yea man, it rocks! Does it have the DVD part Thrashed and Lost in Helsinki?
Thats hilarious! COB rocks! I love that band.
Hey Sixx... if you like HIM and the gothy style you should defo check out "Charon" and "Poinsonblack" (if you haven't already done so, that is) they are 10 times better than HIM IMO and the vocals are amazing... very catchy
You guys are too nice to me! Thanks for the kind words :wave:
I have had a lot of turmoil in my everyday life lately, hence the lack of posting... but I do try to as much as I can and will continue to do so, I swear it on Maiden and Blaze :D
Back to the subject at hand... a while back I bought a HIM album,don't remember which one something with a "heart" title... anyway I didn't like it that much as I found it a bit boring for my personal taste and too "poppy" and since I do happen to like goth quite a bit I do tend to be a little more selective... that's why I suggested the bands above... they are the best I have come accross in a while :)
Pabla said:
You guys are too nice to me! Thanks for the kind words :wave:
I have had a lot of turmoil in my everyday life lately, hence the lack of posting... but I do try to as much as I can and will continue to do so, I swear it on Maiden and Blaze :D

Your Welcome Pabla!!! :)