New Tool Album


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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I'm a pretty big Tool fan. I'm wondering if others here are. I think each successive record has been better than the preceding one, and am reeeeally looking forward to the new one (which is finished). Anyway, here's an update from Blabbermouth for those who care; an update, by the way, that refers to it as their heaviest work in years.

TOOL Drummer: 'We Have The Most Retarded President We've Ever Had' - Mar. 1, 2006 Britain's Kerrang! magazine (web site) was granted an exclusive listening session to the just-completed, as yet-untitled fourth TOOL album, which is due out May, and has revealed that anyone expecting the Californian quartet to have gone soft with age willl be sorely disappointed. True to form, TOOL's upcoming opus is a 77-minute, 11-song prog-metal odyssey, packed with plenty of eight minute-plus twisted riff-a-thons, odd-tempo polyrhythms and the bands trademark, eerie interludes. It's also arguably their heaviest, most punishing material since their 1993 breakthrough album "Undertow", according to Kerrang!

"We've all been listening to a lot of MESHUGGAH," admitted guitarist Adam Jones. "I see a lot of them in us and us in them, and they really have a very experimental prog side to them. I don't think it was like, 'Okay, right here were going to play like MESHUGGAH,' but more, 'Oh my God, that's come out a MESHUGGAH moment.'"

"We have the most retarded President we've ever had, and we're frustrated and that's the reason it's a little heavier this time," drummer Danny Carey told Kerrang! "That level of frustration back like when we first got the band together: we were products of that fucking Reagan thing, we were pissed off and bummed out, we had that angst, and now it's coming forth again: like it or not, we're products of our environment. We're pissed off again."

No stranger to weaving social and political frustrations into his tortuously articulate lyrics, singer Maynard James Keenan who released the politically-motivated covers album, "eMOTIVe" with A PERFECT CIRCLE in 2004, has chosen another approach this time around.

"I think for me, and this is just personally, the last few years have really been crushing," Keenan told Kerrang! "For me, as an artist, I needed to see on some level if speaking my mind would actually inspire people — you see the sky falling and you feel like you've got to say something. I think of prior TOOL albums 'AEnema' and 'Lateralus', lyrically, I had this idea of trying to share things and push some kind of higher purpose — enlightenment, this global consciousness thing — and everything that's going on nowadays has kind of left me a little disappointed, a little bummed.

"So I think on this album I've talked more about my personal stuff, things that I needed to get off my chest," he added. "It's a little cynical and it's almost like coming from a sad place. There's some hope in it, but it's more back to rock and roll basics, just expressing some very big sadness that's from the gut."

"This is our blues record, were singing the blues!" joked Carey.

"The difference is before, we had that young spunk and we thought we could actually say something and help people realise these things" continued Keenan. "But now, the anger is more of a frustrated anger, and me sitting back and going, 'Okay, I'm going to shut up now, I'm going to stop ranting and trying to be chicken little telling you that the sky is falling, I'm going to just let you guys get hit in the head.'"
I love Tool aswell. I caught a review from a pre-release party-type deal. Check it out;

The TOOL Story Marches On

From Andy King, TotalRock… New Album playback at 10, Golborne Road, London W10 -
February 20th 2006... 4pm and 7.30pm

Track 1 (7min 3sec). Mesmeric start. Hypnotic beat. Jagged, angular off beats.
Familiar trancey passages punctuated by a guitar part reminiscent of an older
Tool track. Tribal drum beats f@!# with a lovely melody and climax with
Maynard’s vocals. I am going to cry.

Track 2 (7min 12sec) Melodic intro with almost balladic vocals from Maynard.
Lighter feel (almost, dare I say it, APC-tinged) but not for long. Danny gets
stronger – Baresi releases our tubthumper and the feel gets much heavier into
‘chugga chugga’ off beats. Then – here’s some unusual guitar work. Man, it’s
almost Hendix-like! Then back into a heavy tribal groove. I fight off the urge
to masturbate furiously.

Track 3/4 (This is either one 17 minute monster or two tracks – of 6min 20sec
and 10min 26sec – only the Gods Of The Stinfist know the answer). Whichever it
temple-flavoured gong tweaking the collective nipples of Kraftwerk, a deep
sphincter-rumbling bass and om chanting might recall ‘Parabol’. After 3 minutes
of this nerve-wracking niceness, all Hell breaks loose with mega-heavy riffdom
before slipping back into spaciness after 30 seconds. Like an epileptic
convulsion in a night of deep sleep. Hawkwind does Greensleeves whilst Pink
Floys look on. The Record Company people are starting to look nervous and
uncomfortable as if they have seldom HEARD anything so strange and worrying.
What the f@!# is this? Let me outta here! I need to go snuggle the Radio One
Playlist! Suddenly it’s a crazed sea shanty for whacked-out space travelers.
‘You’re the only one who can hold your head up high. It’s my time now… my time
now… give me my… give me my…’ duets Maynard with himself. Danny fights free of
the evil clutches of Dr Baresi and goes off on one. Adam’s guitar recalls
something off Lateralus again. It’s Triad, I think, but it’s almost impossible
to identify one riff whilst another song goes on. The musical equivalent of
rubbing one’s head and tummy simultaneously in different directions. They’re
doing this on purpose to f@!# with our heads. Bastards! Returns to full-on
rhythmic Toolishness to end. No it isn’t the end. It doesn’t end like any other
song ends. Tool never ends. I’m losing it. Therap me now, please.

Track 5 (Probably. 6min 11 sec definitely). Oooooooh. This is THE one. Ya know
what, pluggers? Radio might even go for this! Maynard’s vocals at the start are
quite extraordinary. Place equal parts of Chris De Burgh, Tiny Tim and Bilal The
Muezzin in a blender and run for your life. Easily the most commercial track to
date. In fact, easily the most commercial track Tool have EVER done. That guitar
is waaay strong again. Did Adam bribe Baresi? This is still twisted. It’s hard
but commercial. The end spells a relief as climactic as a boil bursting. I go
‘Yessssss’ and the whole room of cool jouros looks round at me as if I’m a
Bateman cartoon ‘The Man Who Ordered A Pork Sandwich In Blooms’. This is a
SERIOUSLY awesome track. Just you mark my words.

Track 6 (1min). In which Maynard becomes a Native American for no good reason.
Strange, but we like a bit of strangeness.

Track 7 (Maybe. Could be two medium length tracks and a terribly short one, too.
I’m now losing the will to live with the stopwatch. It’s 14min 45sec of music,
whatever). Guitars to the fore again. One long note with almost blues-like,
overlaid note progressions. f@!# me, it’s House Of The Rising Sun cut with
Ketamine. There are unsettling whispers and talking. Is this a bad trip or a
psychiatry session? Come to think of it, is there a difference? ‘How Are You
Today?’… ‘Tell Me Everything’ then THWACK! Into such a breathtakingly slappy,
powerful riff kick that I’m actually physically winded for a nanosecond.
Demonic, growling, rap noise over rhythmic heavy heavy groove. Forget the Were
Rabbit jibe. This is a f@!# full-on, nasty, shaven headed WEREWOLF. A lightbulb
goes mental in the room. The Record Company almost lose all cool and run for it.
I damn nearly join them but now I AM crying. I am gulping back wracking sobs at
the sheer Toolishness of this monstrous, magnificent track. This is the real
deal. Again snippets from Lateralus. You ARE playing with us. You ARE! This is
Tool’s equivalent of ‘spot the Hitchcock in the Hitchcock film’! But I don’t
care. It’s like The Best Of Tool in one song. The Bomb. It ends like the violent
end of a violent life. And then it ends again. Unless that’s another track, of

Track 8 (6min 44sec). Odd noises. Sea shore meets ironworks. Ever see the
cartoon meisterwerk ‘Spirited Away’? You MUST! In it there is a character called
Kamajii The Boiler Keeper who has 6 arms and an army of small black coals. This
sound is similar. Soon joined by elastic bass and drum twangling over
multi-layered Maynard whisperings and chanted vox. Shades of Pink Floyd again.
Shades of the more ‘moody’ Lateralus tracks again. Reflection. Disposition.
Tribal and hypnotic.

Track 9 (9min 04sec. I think). Melodic, slow, hypnotic. Almost balladic. Wall of
Sound build-up. Danny does some Bamboo pole-type drumming into big rif***e. Big,
big sound. Tool at their weightiest. It’s almost Chinese at the end. I can think
of worse things to be like. Perhaps the boys have their eyes on the World’s
fastest developing market?

Track 10 (OK it’s 11 but I’m f@!# if I can work out how we got here). The walk
out track (their description not mine). Oddness. The Noodles of Satan.

And that’s it. First playback and Maynard bids us farewell. ‘Hope you enjoyed
it. If you didn’t we could put on a little Green Day for you?’. Second playback
and Justin apologises for not being The Arctic Monkeys. We smoodge and chatter.
We remember that Danny is actually the World’s nicest (and tallest) man. If only
I could feel as comfy in my skin as he does. That’s it – go on, compare my
insides with his outsides. We rejoice in the fact that ¼ of Tool is, in fact,
English. We clamber onto our pushbike past legions of hoodies whilst the Tool
Carnival ups and offs to Amsterdam.
f@!# knows where THAT playback will take place but I have a shrewd idea or two…

I am very anxious for this one.
I think Tool is one of the best mainstream 90s bands, but I don't listen to them much since discovering Deadsoul Tribe. When I'm in the mood for that industrial sound (which isnt' very often), I usually reach for Murder of Crows or January Tree. DsT writes more memorable melodies than Tool, at least to my ears.

That said, I will still be very curious to hear this new Tool.
Sounds pretty interesting. I've liked them for quite a while and have been anticipating a new one. Perfect Circle was good enough to ease the withdrawls but they're not quite the same. Is there a working title for it yet? I'd kinda like to rooch around and see if anything's been leaked yet.
Awesome! When's it coming out?

Lateralus was a masterpiece. I've been looking forward to a new Tool cd for years.

I think it's a shame that Tool gets dismissed by some people, just becuase they have a more mainstream following. They are more "progressive metal" then most bands that get placed under that heading.
wdiv said:
Awesome! When's it coming out?

Lateralus was a masterpiece. I've been looking forward to a new Tool cd for years.

I think it's a shame that Tool gets dismissed by some people, just becuase they have a more mainstream following. They are more "progressive metal" then most bands that get placed under that heading.

Agreed on the progressive bit. I went through a massive TOOL phase, and would even say they are one of my very favorite bands. They might even be my #1 if they just had a few more records! They do not record enough.
The release date is set, but I forget, sorry. I think it's in May (which was when Lateralus was released too). Anyway, they are confirmed for a bunch of European dates already, and American dates are surely coming soon - summer I'd say.
I'm still waiting for that damned DVD. They filmed the last four shows of the Lateralus tour, one of which I attended, and have been hush hush about a release ever since, though they do say, "it's coming."
Anyway, I agree that Lateralus was a masterpiece - I listened to it sooooo much. I'm just crazy for their stuff.
Sorry to spoil the party, one Tool anti-fan here... :D
Never saw anything in them, DST or Meshuggah.
In fact, DST bored the hell out of me when they opened for Rage in Budapest. Maybe better so, cause I was so fired up when Rage started... :tickled:
wdiv said:
I think it's a shame that Tool gets dismissed by some people, just becuase they have a more mainstream following. They are more "progressive metal" then most bands that get placed under that heading.

Dude, I was just going to say that. I totally dismissed them in the early 90's because from what I heard at the time I associated them with Alternative Rock, being with their vids for MTV at the time. I heard them more over the years (and saw them live once), I began to get a higher level of respect for them. I would think to myself, "hey, this shit is pretty damn Progressive for Alternative Rock!":D

So I bought their last album and I liked it. I probably didn't even give it the time it was due but I do like the other stuff I've heard. I will buy their new LP when it comes out!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Meshuggah? Do they fit in with Tool and DsT? I thought they were more extreme. With Tool and DsT I definitely see the similarities. Haven't heard much of Meshuggah....what I did hear I didn't like.

They don't typical fit in, TSO. They(Mesh) are extreme to the max. They have some major chops but their music is almost unlistenable, it is extreme Prog/technical thrash to almost crazy levels. Plus their vocalist by no means would I call a 'Singer'. He is a barker/screamer type. I don't think you'd enjoy them.
By your description, I'd agree with you Walter. I wouldn't like them! I was trying to remember when I heard them after I posted...and I just remembered. It was on an episode of the Osbournes when OZZY was feuding with the neighbors and Jack put on Meshuggah and cranked it up to 10 just to piss them off!

NP - Bloodbound - Nosferatu
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
By your description, I'd agree with you Walter. I wouldn't like them! I was trying to remember when I heard them after I posted...and I just remembered. It was on an episode of the Osbournes when OZZY was feuding with the neighbors and Jack put on Meshuggah and cranked it up to 10 just to piss them off!

NP - Bloodbound - Nosferatu

Man you wouldnt like them at all! Hell I dont even like them :loco:
I don't know if Meshuggah is really "extreme", but they are very high on the technical side & low on the melody side. They're good sometimes.. when I'm in the mood for them. Definately different from anything Tool has ever recorded.
My 2 cents on the discussion. I considered Tool industrial metal (old long discussion years ago) and therefore I never like them.

I have one Messhugah video somewhere, at that time they were death metal for me and also nothing to get excited for.

I don't see a problem with more commercial metal, if I like something I don't care how the people look at it.

NP: Last Chapter - 'Three,Two, One...'
In my view, Tool has all the pieces but, as of yet, have failed to pull it all together and release a truly great album.

There's so much potential there but it just always seems to just come short and miss the mark. Each record has some great tracks, but then dull, boring filler. Too much so, in fact.

And I do have the last 3 Tool albums...I do enjoy them, make no mistake about it. But they've never been able to ascend into the realm of 'greatness' to my ears. At this time, I view them as a "B" level band.

In fact, I often find myself listening to A Perfect Circle much more often (which makes sense as Anathema and Katatonia are two of my favorites and APC basically copped their formulas.)

With all this said, perhaps the new record will finally be "the one" and I look forward to hearing it.
03 Mar 06

The artwork for the upcoming Tool album is going to the separators/printers today, therefore it will eventually be leaked out that the name of the album is (drum roll.......) ' 10,000 days '

... so there it is.
SoundMaster said:
In my view, Tool has all the pieces but, as of yet, have failed to pull it all together and release a truly great album.

There's so much potential there but it just always seems to just come short and miss the mark. Each record has some great tracks, but then dull, boring filler. Too much so, in fact.

And I do have the last 3 Tool albums...I do enjoy them, make no mistake about it. But they've never been able to ascend into the realm of 'greatness' to my ears. At this time, I view them as a "B" level band.

In fact, I often find myself listening to A Perfect Circle much more often (which makes sense as Anathema and Katatonia are two of my favorites and APC basically copped their formulas.)

With all this said, perhaps the new record will finally be "the one" and I look forward to hearing it.

I think Undertow and Lateralus were both nearly perfect albums. I hate APC with a passion. Different strokes for different folks...